Chapter Eight: Gone

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Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile lol things have been hectic, but here's the next chapter! 😘

Also, I highly recommend Faster Than a Kiss! It's amazing, read it all in one day! Thanks for the votes, comments, follows, and likes! ❤



Chapter Eight:


The door to the apartment was open when Sasuke and I arrived. The dish towel, the only visible clue, was setting on the top step. I quickly made my way inside and called out for my dad.

"I'm going to call his work and see if he was called in," I mumbled, anxiously picking up the phone. "Maybe there was an emergency and he had to go immediately."

Sasuke nodded and walked back towards the bedrooms. The phone was still ringing when he made his way back in and shook his head, letting me know that dad wasn't in his room.

"Hello?" Someone answered the phone.

"This is Sakura Haruno, I was calling to see if Kizashi Haruno was called into work today?" I asked, my hands still shaking.

"Let me check, hold on just a moment," The man said, as I heard typing in the background. "No, I'm afraid not. He was sent home for the weekend yesterday. The last clock in for him was listed yesterday morning."

"Oh, god," I shook my head, letting the phone fall to the floor. "Oh no, this is all my fault! I should of just stayed home. Where the hell could he be? Please let him be safe. I don't know what-"

"Sakura, calm down," Sasuke instructed, putting the phone back on the hook, as tears began to streak down my face. "We'll find him. Lets go ask that nosey ass neighbor of yours if she's seen him."

"Miss Yao!" I said, running back out of the door. "Miss Yao! Miss Yao!"

I slammed my fist on the door a few times before it busted open. The scene before me was a mess. The house had been ramshacked, with the curtains tore down, chairs overturned, and Miss Yao left sprawled across the floor.

"Miss Yao!" I yelled, running to her side. I bent down in the floor and my hand landed in something cold and wet. I lifted it up to see blood caking my palms. "Sasuke!"

Sasuke was at my side in a matter of seconds. He lifted the old woman up and I could clearly tell she was dead by the look in her wide open eyes. They were bleak and swollen. Her throat appeared to be sliced open, with blood still trickling down the side of it.

"She's dead," I said, pulling my hand away from her wrist. "She's been dead for about an hour now."

"They killed her so she wouldn't talk," Sasuke said, closing the lady's eyes. "Hn."

"Fuck," I groaned, leaning my head back. "How do I find him now!? She would have been the only witness."

"There may be some clues around here," Sasuke mumbled, standing up and looking around. "You go call the police and I'll search around."

"No, I can't lose you too. You're staying by my side," I told him, pulling him back by his arm. "Lets go back to my apartment and call then we'll both look for clues."

Sasuke didn't reply, which only meant he agreed with me. I kept my hand on his arm until we got by to the living room where I called the police and told them about Miss Yao.

"Sasuke," I said, when we were back down in Miss Yao's apartment. "What if they've killed him?"

"They haven't," He responded.

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