Chapter Five: Worries

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You can blame the next two weeks short chapters on the latest Naruto chapters and episodes! I've been catching up on the episodes particularly and have been obsessed with them! 😱 I absolutely loved the last episode, 'I'm in Hell'. It was amazing! Obito turned into a major badass there at the end! And Madara still creeps the hell out of me. His idea of a "Dream World" sounds good but then again it doesn't. I understand why Obito wants to do it, but if I was in his situation I don't think I would even do it then. Sorry! 😩

Now the last chapter of Naruto really got me! I freaked out at first because, SPOILER!, I thought Sasuke died then I was like noooo, it's all a part of the plan. So then I calmed down 😋 lol.

But back to my story . . .

I just want to thank all the readers again for being your amazing selfs! Keep the votes, likes, follows, and comments coming! They inspire me to write more 😊 welp, I won't bother you no more! Enjoy the chapter 😘

~Kei-chan 💙🎀

Chapter Five:


My cheeks would of burst into flames of embarrassment if it was possible. I was so embarrassed. I can't believe that just happened, I thought as I pulled on a shirt. I didn't retrieve my original garments for fear of seeing my father and Sasuke.

It's not as bad for him, I said. It was my father who caught me topless and making out with my boyfriend. I'm so stupid, why didn't I check the time? I should of known better!

It could be worse, I told myself. Remember when Ino said her dad walked in on her doing then next door neighbor?

I wonder how Sasuke is. I shouldn't of left him like that. But what else could I have done?

My side then reminded me of my incident as I pulled a hoody on over my head. It's only been like five minutes since I ran into my room, maybe dad hasn't killed Sasuke yet. It's pretty quiet out there.

I cracked open the door and looked around. I saw Sasuke across the hall, buttoning his shirt back up.

"Sasuke," I said, opening the door up all the way.

"Hey," He turned and looked out me. I could see a smile hidden behind his eyes and his lips twitched. "Your dads making food."

"Is he in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Hn," Sasuke nodded, coming out of the bathroom an stepping closer to me. In low voice he said, "He didn't say nothing to me just stood there for a moment and continued on to the kitchen."

"I can't believe that just happened," I rubbed my forehead. "I hope I don't get us in trouble. I should of known to check the time first."

Sasuke shrugged.

"Come on," I told him, walking back out to the living room. "I can't avoid the inevitable conversation I just know he's dying to have right now."

Dad was in the kitchen with his back turned away from me. He was leaning over the sink peeling something.

"I hope you have time to spare," Dad said in his normal tone. "Because its going to be a long dinner."

I frowned and shrunk back to the living room, dragging Sasuke along with me. Plopping down on the couch, Sasuke sat next to me. Dad had the tv turned on to sports and the noise from the crowds was drowning out my thoughts. I glanced over at Sasuke who was smiling.

"What?" I asked him. "Your smile is starting to scare me."

"Nothing," He laughed. "I just kind of find it humorous, that's all."

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