Chapter Eleven: The Only Son

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I'm sorry my updates have become so delayed. School just decided that it was going to run my life for the next month. Wooohhhhooooo, right? Lol and I also need to say that I have no clue what happened with the last chapter. I uploaded it all on the same day from my app on my iPod and it only uploaded like three words! I have no clue what happened. I'm so sorry. I didn't even notice it until like two days later when I had a notification where someone commented on it and I was like whaaatt?? Lol but again, I am so sorry. Forgive me? 😔

Now time for this chapter.... I finished this chapter about a day ago, but I just now got around to uploading it. I wrote it all in one day and this is all I had time to do so its not that much. I'm sorry, but I tried. As of right now, I only plan on having about three or four more chapters, and I'm so sorry that its coming too quickly lol but I have other stories in mind that I would like to write and it's just hard to do this and carry on with another one too.

But here's this chapter 😊 vote, comment, like, follow, or all! Thanks.

~Kei-chan ❤💋🎀

Chapter Eleven:

The Only Son

When I was little my dad took me to the visiting center at the power plant. It was a beautiful open space, shut in by a wooden gate with the waterfall created by the dam. Dad told me the story of why we put the power plant there and basically he said it was built because no one would let us use their power anymore. I remember laughing at his simple jokes and how our smiles were the same. Why do I tell you this? Because this place was oddly full of good memories for me and now it's the possible site of my father's death.

This thought hit me as Sasuke and I rounded the corner, bringing the large building into view. The villagers looked at us like we were insane as we ran so fast I swore everyone could hear my heart beat. My ribs were aching and my legs panged with muscle spasms.

"Sakura!" Naruto's voice came from above.

I looked up to see him and Kakashi running along the roof top. They jumped down and joined us.

"Are they really going to blow this place up?" Naruto asked, his voice as loud as usual.

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled at him. "Shut up! Don't make the villagers worry."

"Baka!" Sasuke said.

I slammed on my heels as we came to the bridge going across to the building and looked around. It was empty and the guards weren't by the door.

"We need to find another way in," I stated. "Look around. Do you see any windows or something?"

I looked back up and down the building and found the ladder on the side.

"Is there skylights on the roof?" I asked.

"I believe there is," Kakashi mused, looking up. "But won't it be loud to get in by breaking the window?"

"I don't care if it's loud, I just want to get to my dad," I admitted, angrily. "So the roof it is."

"Naruto and I will take the back entrance," Kakashi told me. "You and Sasuke go in through the roof entrance."

I nodded, then started toward the ladder.

"Are we going to kill him now or wait for the others to get here?" Chen asked, leaning back into the chair. "And how are we going to get out of here in time to escape that bomb?"

"I've already told you," The neon blue vigilante shook her head. "We are waiting for them to get here and then we are dropping down into here," She pointed to the emergency drain exit on the ground. The small, round metal cover looked like a sewer hatch. "And once we are down there then we take off for the exit to the outer city limits. The cover opens just outside of the gate limits."

"Then what?" He asked, getting on his feet and peaking around the corner at the blind folded man. "We high tail it out of here and go back to our normal lives? Ya know, mother, I don't think you actually have thought this plan out thoroughly."

"What?" His mother stomped her way over to her bright eyed son. "Are you trying to back out now? After all they've done to your brother!?"

"My brother's dead!" He exclaimed, grabbing his mother's hands. "You need to let him go!"

"Let him go!?" She was shaking. "Let him go, how? He was my son and he's dead!"

"And I'm also your son," He said, much gentler. "And I am alive. Mom, please, it's not too late to stop this and go home. Go home this time to mourn and move on."

It was quiet for a very long time. His mother was shaking still and staring at their hands then there was a loud crashing noise, like glass breaking, and she transformed back into the woman he had saw for the last few days. Like a gentle bear turned ferocious, she twisted her face and pulled away from her only living son,

"Daddy!" A girl's voice yelled, relieved.

"It is too late." She said, menacingly, grabbing a blade from the table.

The boy shook his head, trying to clear his mind and turned, following suit with his mother.

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