Chapter Two: Understanding

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Yo! 😁 How's it going? So because of a big ice storm that came through, I didn't have school for a whole extra week 😊 which means more time to write on Recollection II! And I'm sorry to say, but I have fallen behind on Naruto 😞 the manga I'm caught up with, just not the anime. Now I hear there is a SOA season 2 so uh, yeah. I think that sentence speaks for itself.

Next up, my AOT story was bust and I got stuck halfway through and removed it from the site. I'm sorry, I feel like a failure 😖 please forgive me. Further more, I am working on a different story and its been going very well so far. I want to finish at least ten chapter before I post for fear of another nothing. Lol. It's just hard to write a story for an anime that just keeps giving you more questions and no answers. In turn, you have to come up with your own answers and that's the tough part.

But I shall leave you now. Enjoy the chapter! See you soon.

~Kei-chan 💜🎀

Chapter Two


Sasuke walks me to work everyday. He shows up with a latte and muffin for me at exactly 9 o'clock.

"Good morning!" I leaned up on my toes and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I take it you slept good last night," Sasuke said, handing me my breakfast.

"Yep," I smiled. "What about you? How did you sleep?"

"Alright," He fell into step with me. "If Hinata and Naruto would just quit doing whatever it is they do late at night, I could probably sleep better."

"What?" I laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! They're engaged now!"

Sasuke stopped in his tracks and looked at me, eyes widened.

"Yeah!" I said. "They stopped by last night before you did and showed me the ring, which by the way was huge! I wonder how he could even afford it?"

"They're getting married?" Sasuke repeated, almost talking to himself.

"Hm? What did you say?" I asked, leaning in closer to him. "I couldn't hear you. Sasuke?"

"I can't live there anymore then," He groaned. Rubbing the ridge of his nose, he said, "If they're this bad now, I'd hate to hear them on their wedding night."

"Oh wow," I laughed. "That's actually really funny."

"You would only understand if you heard them," Sasuke muttered. "It sounds like two lions going at it, during a stampede!"

I laughed, almost spitting my coffee out.

"I have to talk to the loud woman in charge," Sasuke said to himself. "I have to move out of there."

"Good luck with that," I commented, finishing my muffin off. "She's more stubborn than a mule."

"She's your senpei, maybe you can talk some sense into her," He offered. "And in return, I'll take you shopping."

"No," I shook my head. "This is your battle, not mine."

"Hn," He grunted, crossing his arms. "I thought what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours?"

"Don't even try that on me, darling," I laughed. "The woman scares me and you're all big and tough, you can handle her."

We walked into the alleyway just right next to the hospital without another word as Sasuke walked with his hands shoved into his pockets and I threw my cup away. Making it close to the end of the walkway, Sasuke stopped me and pressed me back against the fence.

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