Chapter Ten: Flickering

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I am so so so so so so so sorrrrryyyy that this chapter is so late! School has been hectic and I just haven't had time to write. I'm so sorry! 😔 Please forgive.
I have an essay coming up in English so the next update will be delayed as well. I'm sorry, blame school!
I do turn eighteen in 13 days, though ☺ So there's something to celebrate lol my boyfriend and I also celebrated our two and a half years just the other day 😘 yay!
But here's the next chapter! And yes! I have kept up with the Naruto chapters and episodes, that is one thing I managed to make happen.
Vote, comment, follow, like! Thanks!
~Kei-chan 🎀💗💋

Chapter Ten:

The sun shone brightly through the small window and lit my face. I groaned, rubbing my eyes, then rolled over into Sasuke's chest. I smiled as the memories came rushing back into my mind of last night. I curled into his chest and sighed.
He wants to marry me, I remembered. Looking at his still sleeping figure, I took in every detail of his face. His smooth skin, rounded eyelids, puckering lips, slender nose, and strong jaw line. When he was sleeping, his entire figure seemed at ease. Chest lifting up and down, arms dangling, one at his head and one over me. You're so beautiful even when you don't know it, I thought.
"Good morning!" Naruto's loud mouth burst into the room.
Sasuke immediately shot his eyes open and he sat up, knocking me into the floor.
"Ow," I grumbled, rubbing my side. "Naruto! You idiot."
"Baka! Look what you did, dobe," Sasuke yelled, quickly helping me up off the floor. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "But he's not! What was so important you had to come busting in here like that!?"
"Oh, granny called and said that Sai is awake," Naruto laughed. "Said for you to call her when you woke up."
"Naruto, get out," Sasuke murmured, still tired and grumpy. "Sakura, are you sure you're alright?"
"Fine, fine." Naruto put his hands up and exited the room.
"I'm okay, really," I smiled and touched his arm. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not the one who fell in the floor," Sasuke cracked, running his fingers through his hair. "Did you hit your side?"
"Yeah, but I'm okay," I smiled, and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Did you sleep good?"
"Hn," He mumbled, laying his head on top of mine. "I love you."
"I love you, too," I smiled. "I have to call Tsunade-sama!"
I let go of Sasuke and grabbed for my phone. My battery was flashing, but I ignored it and continued to call her.
"Hello?" She answered, obviously still hungover.
"Hey, Naruto said you told me to call?"
"Yeah, Sai's awake," She answered. "You need to go talk to him. He's at ICU, on third floor."
"Okay, bye." I said, hanging up the phone before she started to gripe about me waking her up early. "Sasuke?"
I turned around to an empty room. He must have went to the bathroom or something.
Setting back down on the bed, I stretched my arms out and yawned. I glanced over at the dryer and noticed the small ring box still setting there. I smiled, feeling giddy all over again. I'm going to marry Sasuke Uchiha! I giggled. My childhood dream is going to come true, mom!
I'm going to live happily ever after as soon as my dad gives us a blessing!
I stopped short and felt suddenly guilty. I'm such an awful person. My dad's missing and I'm celebrating a nonexistent engagement. I should be doing something! But what can I do besides talk to Sai? He probably doesn't even remember anything.
I frowned, touching the soft satin box. My fingers yearned to open it and glance at the beauty set inside of it, but my mind went against it. I will not look at the ring again until it's on my finger!, I decided.
"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked, setting down beside of me.
"Nothing," I smiled, taking the cup of tea he offered me. "I have to go visit Sai today."
"I figured we'd go after we eat breakfast," Sasuke admitted, taking a sip from his cup. "And get dressed."
I looked down at my thin camisole and pajama pants then laughed, "Of course!"
"But I have one request," Sasuke put his hand up.
"Huh?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Let me help you change clothes," Sasuke winked. "SakUrA."
"Uh, how about no?" I laughed. "Now get out so I can change."
I shooed Sasuke out of the room and then threw my regular attire on. I slowly made my way down the hall and located Sasuke and Naruto setting together at the island eating cereal.
"Yo!" Naruto greeted me. "Grab you a bowl an join us, Sakura-chan!"
I did as he said and took the seat across from Sasuke. He was intensely staring at a floating cornflake while poking it with his spoon.
"What are you doing?" I asked, with a teasing laugh.
"Oh, he does that when he's still in his sleep," Naruto answered. "You should see him when we first get back from a mission, he's ravenously depressing. It sounds strange, but it's true. He eats as much as a horse, but is as slow as a donkey."
"Shut up, dobe," Sasuke growled, menacingly. "I'm not slow."
"Whatever, teme." Naruto mumbled, gulping down a carton of milk.
"What are doing today, Naruto?" I asked him, pouring sugar into my cereal.
"I am spending the day with Hinata," He answered. "What about you? Are you going to go talk to Sai?"
I nodded, taking a spoon full of cereal.
"When I come home tonight, are you guys going to be freaky like you were last night?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Naruto." Sasuke warned.
"No," I answered, surprisingly laughing. "Hopefully I'll find my dad by this evening with any luck from Sai."
"Aw, so no more estranged nights with teme?" Naruto laughed.
"No, there'll be more just in the later future," I informed him. "For now I need to be with my dad."
"When you find him?" Naruto added.
"Yes, when I find him." I nodded, continuing to eat my cereal.
Because I will find you, dad.

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