13: A Happy Realization

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Mark's POV

My feet seemed to move a little quicker the closer I got to the castle. I was ready to start my day, despite how early I had arose this morning, and how little I actually wanted to accomplish today. The morning air was cold, and I found myself shivering. I hoped that fall would come late this year, and that we wouldn't have to deal with such chilled air so often. I felt the hair on my arms rise to block out the cold, and in return I pulled my jacket a little closer to my body.

My feet scuffled along the cobbled walkway leading across the top of the castle steps. There wasn't anyone else up so early, and my mouth released a shaky breath into the air that I watched dissipate. I heard voices coming from inside the castle, which caught me by surprise as I shuffled along. I knew that Jack would be awake, but of course he always was this early. I couldn't recall a time where the King had let his son sleep in, but now I realized that he wasn't the only one awake. Once I got closer to the open doors, I recognized the General's voice alongside King Jordan's, and they were speaking in hushed voices, as if they knew that passing ears were possibly listening in and they didn't want anyone else to hear. My pace slowed to a stop, and my morals began to collide as I debated listening in. Once I heard Jack's name passed in between their phrases, I knew that I had to find out what was going on.

One foot in front of the other, I snuck closer, hugging the wall and controlling my breathing so that my ears would have more to hear over the sound of my lungs and my heartbeat. My heart was thumping in my chest as I got closer, and my neck instantly grew sore as I stretched it out and forward to listen in on what was being said. Hushed whispered transformed into words that were plausible in my head as I froze completely, all my bodily movements pausing to listen as well as I could on what was being said.

"...See, that's just it. He's a mature prince, a good one. He's one with his people, and he actually cares about them, all of them. I mean, just yesterday he spent all day down in the village with the people, helping them rebuild houses and using his own currency to purchase supplies. He came home in tatters, scratched and bruised from working so hard, I mean you should have seen the looks he received. The guards here thought he was a random villager waltzing into the castle at first glance." The General spoke, his voice firm and warm when speaking about how noble Jack was. He was clearly proud, impressed, and more than willing to brag about something so incredibly selfless of the prince. Then, he let out a large sigh and his voice dropped to a lower, more exasperated tone. "That's where I stop understanding that boy. I don't get it. He's got all of the proper qualities for a leader, but anytime any of us mentions him marrying the princess across the way, he backs out and grows defensive."

I stood back, relaxing my stiffened muscles against the cold as I took what the General was saying into my own mind. I had spent all the previous day out on a scouting mission after the raid, and I wasn't at home to train Jack. I hadn't imagined that he would spend all day in town working, but it put a small smile on my face. I was equally as confused as to why Jack wasn't interested in marrying the princess, from what anyone had said about her she was beautiful, but knowing Jack he probably had a reason.

"He's a disgusting excuse for a prince." King Jordan spat onto the floor, and I felt my palms ball up. Anger rose in my throat, and I quickly moved away from the pair as they continued their conversation. I didn't think I could stand around and allow myself to listen to their conversation if the King was only going to insult Jack. As a prince, his duty was to marry at 18 and to take over the Kingdom, to do his father's job and allow the old King to rest in peace throughout his final years as an advisor. However, some part of me convinced that Jack's motives were justified. Something in my brain told me that this was all wrong, and I had to follow orders and help Jack marry; but another small part of me declined such actions. There was clearly a reason that Jack wasn't marrying, and as his friend it was my job to support that. A little voice reminded me that we weren't allowed to be friends, but I ignored it.

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