6: Picnic

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Mark's POV

I was already on my way to the castle before the rest of my brain had awoken. I had slipped some clothes on and my sword was at my side, then I was out the door and halfway to my destination before my thoughts were awake and I comprehended what I was doing. I was enjoying the cold morning air, and the sunrise at the base of the horizon. It was dawn, so the sun hadn't peeked its rays over the edge just yet, but the sky had a yellowish orange tint to it, and was growing lighter with every second that passed. I found myself with a silly grin stuck on my face, and I forced myself to remove it as I made my way up the steps to the castle. The General was waiting inside for me, along with the King, and both looked up at my arrival.

"Mark, sorry to call you here so suddenly." The General said, beckoning me over. My feet moved a little faster as I walked, and I was soon in front of the King himself, to whom I bowed before listening. "I just wanted to ask about the progress of the prince before you went off with him today. I know that it's only been a few days and such, but I was curious." I shot a quick glance at the King, and both men were staring at me and waiting for my response to the subject. I cleared my throat.

"Prince Jack is a fast learner, and he picks up well on different traits and skills. He's quite attentive, and I took him into town to make his own sword which he now uses. The castle ones didn't fit him as well. He's intelligent, and his ability to learn and recreate his knowledge is absolutely incredible, not to mention he's quite kind." I added the last part by accident, and I could see that the King was a little thrown off by it. I squeezed my eyes shut, mentally slapping myself several times over as the King and the General exchanged a glance with the other.

"Now Mark, remember your duty here is not to befriend my son." The King said, and I nodded at him as he spoke. "You are here to remind him that this marriage is needed and that he is a prince with duties to his kingdom. Also to train him." The King added, and I nodded my head vigorously. I hadn't mean to let that slip, but better that than some of my other opinions about his son. I thought about what the King would say if I hadn't said Prince Jack and called him by his name casually; the thought made me cringe. I backed away from the pair and made my way outside, silently cursing myself as I rounded the corner and made my way out to the field. I saw Jack already out and practicing with his sword, and when I walked up behind him I could see just how well he was doing. His stance was perfect, and his striking and form were nearly flawless with the exception of his balance. That still needed work, and when he finally paused for a breath I clapped loudly, startling.

"That looked incredible, have you been practicing?" I asked him, and Jack turned to me. His eyes were wide with surprise at first, but then he grinned at me and nodded, a hand on his chest where he was breathing heavily.

"I've been out here for several hours," he admitted. "I didn't sleep well so I found my way out here and I've just been working. I hate sleeping anyway." I felt surprise shift my expression; I'd never heard of a single person who didn't enjoy sleep, and Jack seemed to catch onto my surprise. "There's so much you could be doing in place of sleep, think about it. It's so inconvenient that our bodies have to recharge, I hate it." I nodded, feeling a grin tug at the corners of my mouth at his words.

"Well, you've got me there." I said, looking up at him and chuckling. "However, I only noticed one thing wrong that you were doing that had to be worked on, and I know the best way to do it. Come with me." I motioned that he follow me, and so he did as we walked back towards the castle. I walked into the castle, finding my way into the kitchen and dodging my way around a few of the chefs. I grabbed a couple of buckets from the corner, and then turned around and walked back out of the room, Jack still following me with a confused expression. I made my way back out to the cobbled bridge, and then I hopped down onto the banks of the river. I filled one of the buckets about a fourth of the way, and then I completely filled the other. Jack was up on the bridge, watching me, and I walked back up to him and handed him the buckets. "Stand on the rail part." I ordered, pointing to the large flat surface that acted as the railing for people crossing.

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