33: Released

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Mark's POV

I was sitting in a jail cell below the castle, waiting through the night and watching as drops fell from the ceiling and created more mold underneath me. I couldn't sleep, I could only think about my family, and about Jack. Were they really going to whip him? And if so, was my attempt at escape really going to harm him further? I sat against the cold, stone walls and pondered the entire night. I thought about Jack, I thought about my mother and my father up in Heaven or in limbo, wherever he might be. However, I mostly thought about my brother. I became a soldier for him, and I did everything for his sake, because it was what he wanted and I wanted to live his dream for him. Is this what he would have wanted? Is this how he would have lived his life? Falling in love with another man, maybe not a prince, but just another man? Would he have seen me any differently if he were alive now? I felt fear and disappointment sink into my chest; had I failed my brother now as well?

I sat up a little straighter as I heard voices, and realized that it was a flood of voices. I knew quickly that it was the townspeople being called in to watch a public hanging as a result of treason; that's what the King would have the messengers tell everyone, and they would arrive to watch. They would head through the kitchen and pick up snacks provided, and they would then sit themselves where they would see on the stands provided and watch whoever was being hung. Our executioner was long since put out of business when the Queen was a merciful influence on the King, and his benevolence was once shown. Now, I could only assume that the General would be the one to hang me, and I couldn't imagine a worse form of irony.

"Get up." I hadn't even noticed the guard's arrival in my mess of thoughts, and I stood up quickly, my hands still bound together. He grabbed onto the ropes binding me and began to lead me out of the cells. We walked up the stairs into the now empty throne room, and we walked through the empty kitchen. When we exited the castle, I realized that everyone in the town was standing around us, and they were once cheering only to fall silent and confused at my presence. King Jordan's face twisted in embarrassment and confusion as he realized that getting the crowd to go along with this hanging would be a little difficult. I wasn't sure what to do, but when the pointed tip of a spear poked between my shoulder blades, I began to walk forward towards the newly built gallow for this occasion. The old gallows were long unused and had grown old and dilapidated as public hanging had been outlawed by the Queen many years ago. I wondered what she would do now, if she was here, watching all of this happen. What would she think of Jack? How would she react to me? I wanted to think that if she was still alive, I wouldn't be walking towards my death. I wondered where Jack was, if he was just going along with all of this, or if he was trapped somewhere and didn't know what was going on out here today.

I met eyes with King Jordan, and my jaw locked as I walked towards him. The General stood next to the gallows, and sure enough he held a small stool for me to stand upon only for him to kick out underneath me. The King's gaze seemed indifferent, as if he wasn't sure whether or not he felt good about going through with this. There was a part of him that was angry, no doubt, but another part of him seemed unsure all of a sudden, and I had no doubts that it was the result of the General's convincing him that this was the only way. I felt the spear in my back as I paused by him, and I turned from him to look at the crowd of people who had lined up to watch, and I was suddenly uncertain myself of how to feel. I said nothing to him, only looked at him as if to tell him only with my eyes that this was wrong. The King's gaze was just as uncertain, and he seemed to be searching my eyes for some form of loophole, possibly some way of getting me out of here, but it was far too late for him to be second guessing, and he knew that. He sighed, reanimating his angered expression, and he pointed forcefully at the gallows. The guard behind me barked and order, and I kept his gaze for a second longer only to turn from him and face what might be my last sight before I died.

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