22: Escape

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Jack's POV

"I think we can all agree that this really is getting out of hand now." The General spoke, his glare focused on me and his angered words thrown at me. Yet, I leaned against my elbow and let out a loud yawn in the middle of his sentence, causing him to nearly scream at me. His veins popped from his neck and forehead, and his once young appearing face now looked much older shadowed in anger and discomfort. I continued to ignore him, allowing myself to focus on what the future was going to hold for me. Unfortunately, this marriage was still in place for everyone else, and Mark's reaction to the destroyed village showed just how torn he was to our relationship as well.

He was choosing me over the village that he swore to protect, that he was protecting not only for himself but for his brother as well. He was being forced to decide and he was continuing to choose me no matter how much it broke his heart. I was also in a stalemate, the same one. I felt nothing but love and appreciation for a kingdom that raised me when my mother left me on my own with my father. Instead of allowing myself to return the favor by marrying out and carrying the kingdom on my shoulders to prosperity, something we all knew I could easily reach, I continued to spend my free time with Mark and forget about the toils and troubles I was leaving behind. The General was the only other person in this kingdom who understood exactly what was at stake here, and everything that was going on. He was trying to rat me out to my father and pursue what he thought was the best outcome for the kingdom, whereas I was just trying to figure out what was going to work best for me. What was I supposed to do?

"I think that this has gone on long enough!" The General snapped suddenly in the middle of the conversation. The other generals and my father had been discussing how we were going to put all this together, and they paused mid sentence as the General stood tall, glaring down at me. "What will it be, Jack? You need to make a decision on where your loyalties truly lie now. This kingdom is resting in your hands, so stop treating it like a plaything and make the adult decision here." It was also clear that this outburst had been brewing inside him for some time, and I stood slowly, making eye contact with him for only a moment.

"Do not ever speak to me that way again." I said coldly, and I removed myself from the circle of men and walked out of the room. I didn't miss the large sigh that the people in the room shared, but I ignored it. I had to avoid the General during all of this; I didn't know how much he knew about Mark and I, but it was enough that he was attempting to make everyone else force me into a decision so that I stopped being able to make my own; so that I stopped finding comfort in my sins in Mark's arms.

I found myself in the stables, my hands running over Agro's fur and tangling my fingers in his mane as I jumped onto his back. He grunted at me, and I ignored him, digging my heels into his sides and coaxing him forward. He seemed to know that something was troubling me, and he wanted to stop and let me rant to him about it as I usually did, but I simply didn't have the patience. I wanted someone that would respond to me, and I knew exactly where to find him.

Mark had a little house in the village, a small thing with only one bedroom attached to a kitchen with a chair to sit and eat in. It was a simple house for a simple man, and I rode up to it quickly. Mark didn't know that I was on my way, and so he gaped out the window upon my arrival, looking at me in shock. His facial expression quickly changed to discomfort and frustration, and he stood in the doorway as I slipped off Agro, his arms folded over his chest in a disappointed manner.

"Last time I checked, your Highness, you were supposed to be in a war meeting all day with your father and the General." Mark said in a matter-of-factly tone, and I hung my head, letting out a sigh and running through options in my head. I couldn't lie to him, but I also didn't want to freak him out; should I tell him that the General is onto us?

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