9: Surprise

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Jack's POV

It was early in the morning, a bit earlier than I usually found Mark out in the field for practice, but I was already up and moving. My sword in hand, I was working on my striking and my stance, my balance as well. I wanted to show Mark that I was learning, and that I was doing even better from his teaching. It was a quiet morning, as no one else was really awake yet, but I felt like I had all the energy in the world. I knew that Mark would be here soon enough, and so I continued to practice without him. I looked up every so often, and when I finally saw Mark arrive, he was talking in hushed words to the General. I frowned, my arm half raised in the air and ready to wave him over, but instead the pair walked inside quickly, heads bent close together as they spoke. My arm fell flat to my side and disappointment settled in my stomach. Bowing my head, I turned back to my practicing and tried not to feel disheartened by a longer wait.

I didn't mind waiting for Mark, I just wasn't a big fan of it. As a prince, I supposed that I was used to getting what I wanted exactly when I wanted it, and I wanted to see Mark, that was for sure. Even so, I remained on my feet and moving around, swinging my sword and practicing my lunging. I assumed that my father and the General needed to talk to him about something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what that might be. I paused in my swinging, trying to think and brainstorm about what it might have been, when something moving from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked up and towards the castle at first, expecting and hoping for Mark's arrival only to realize that it wasn't. I turned and found myself looking over at the bluffs where the ground dropped into the bay below us, and I realized that ships were making their way across the water towards us. I frowned, putting a hand up to shield the sun so I could see better, and I realized that the sails bore the insignia of our opposing kingdom.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded from the watchtowers on either side of the castle, a long baying trumpet sound, and I stiffened. They were only to sound when we were being attacked, and I had thought we were on good terms with the other kingdom. When I saw men crawling up the bluffs and attacking the first guards they saw, I realized that I was more than wrong. I looked down at my sword, and I debated running forward and joining the attack. The guards were running forward and meeting the attackers head on, but they were only the men of the watchtowers and were easily outnumbered. My mind was debating my options as I watched the enemies start to storm the castle. A couple of them noticed me standing not too far away, and I realized soon that they recognized me considering I was a prince and all. A few started charging at me, and I knew that I now had to stand my ground.

I could hear the General shouting at me from the steps, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I wanted to turn and look for him, but my attackers were already upon me. I raised my sword as the first man jumped at me, bringing his down on top of my head and I faltered under the weight. I pushed him off of me, barely able to move my sword to block a second attack aimed at my side. My sword was up as I was, my feet firmly on the ground as I dodged and twisted away from oncoming attacks. I managed to land my sword at the back of someone's knees, and I heard a body thump to the ground as I turned to assess the oncomers who were making their way towards me. There were far too many for me to take on my own, and the soldiers were taking on the new attackers directly at the bluffs, meaning that I was over here by myself and no one within range knew or could help.

I was swiped at the feet, and I felt my back hit the ground. I saw a group of people crowded around me, and one man lifted his sword above his head to deliver the final swipe when they all looked up and began gasping. The sword holder was suddenly kicked, and a body flew over me and into him, tumbling over. I blocked a second attacker as the others turned to my rescuer, and I found none other than Mark at my side. His sword blocked one maneuver while he twisted and turned to attack another person and put them on the ground. He was fluent, he was graceful, and most importantly he was fast. While his sword was through one man's back, a knife found its way to another, and all the while he was kicking and punching whoever else he could. Before I knew it, the overwhelming crowd that surrounded me once was dwindling, and I helped to fight off some of the other attackers who were still at my back.

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