27: Remembering the Past

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Jack's POV

I was awoken to furious pounding on my door, and I rolled away from the noise. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I wanted to spend all day in bed. When the pounding came a second time, I let out a groan. Someone spoke from the outside the door, but I rolled my eyes and ignored them. Finally, my door burst open with a loud CRACK! and I shrieked in fright before falling off the other side of my bed completely. I sat up, glaring over the edge of my bed at a guard standing there, who looked at the messenger and exchanged a nod before leaving me behind with the man who saluted me, standing erect and ready.

"Your Highness, King Jordan requests your presence in the throne room for the overall planning of your wedding." I let out a loud groan and collapsed to the floor, shutting my eyes and praying that the man would go away. When I peeked a glance through my eyelids, I jumped and shrank away from my bed where the messenger now sat, staring at me impatiently. "I was told not to leave until you were awake and dressed, and then ordered to escort you to your father. It is of the utmost importance." Heaving a sigh, I stood up and the messenger followed my movements. I pushed him towards the doorway with more effort required than I wanted, and he tried to protest.

"I have to get dressed, so you can wait outside!" I snapped, finally shoving the messenger out the door and sending him stumbling into the hallway. I immediately slammed the door shut and locked it behind the man. I rested my palms against the wooden frame, bracing myself as the messenger attempted to get back in by wiggling the door handle, and I sighed when he finally gave up attempting to get in. I collapsed onto my bed, laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling as though it gave me answers. I tilted my head back even further, looking at my window that led out onto the cobbled roof and connecting wall below. Pulling on a pair of pants, I stumbled to the window and looked outside at the warm, sunny day that awaited me. With the rain finally gone, I felt like escaping into the woods, but only if Mark came with me. With a grin, I realized I could probably sneak out and find him, apologize for everything and beg him to spend a day with me. I leaned out my window, bracing my hands against the roof below me and preparing to jump out when I turned and found a guard standing a few feet off. We stared at one another for a few moments, silence spreading out between us before I quickly retracted back into my room, slamming my windows shut and locking those as well. I really had no way out of my father's plans today.

I opened my door to where the messenger was still waiting for me, and I turned and began walking towards the throne room. The messenger strode behind me, remaining awfully close to me, and suddenly I was feeling trapped and claustrophobic. I wanted to run away again, but I knew that I couldn't do that, not anymore. I needed to do this for Mark's sake, and for the rest of my people. They needed to be safe; my selfish needs were no longer a priority. As we walked into the throne room, I found my father standing by his throne, talking with the General and gesturing to several parts of the room where I could only assume the wedding was to be held. There were several other guards and servants who were wandering the room with decorations in hand. Chairs were stacked around the room while placement was decided, and another higher ranked guard was standing at the front of the room, directing those below him under the orders of the General, who was still deciding on whether or not our tables should be placed horizontally or vertically when I approached.

"There's my boy!" My father exclaimed upon my arrival, and I felt anger and disappointment shoot through me as he said this. He sounded proud of me, excited and even looking forward to everything that was happening; he was only proud that I was finally conforming to what he wanted. I allowed my jaw to lock, but kept my hands from balling up into fists. I could show signs of frustration, but I couldn't show any form of aggression or anger. For my people, and the sake of the future of my kingdom, I had to go along with all of this. I needed to be willing to cooperate. "I'm glad to see you awake so early, my prince. I was just having a conversation with the General, and a third opinion was exactly what we needed. How should we position our tables for your wedding?" He showed me the poorly drawn diagrams that he and the General were arguing over, and I suppressed a sigh.

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