10: Returning

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Mark's POV

I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling as I drew in a large breath and let it out slowly. I was tired of sitting in the same spot with no ability to move or clearance to leave my bed. After the raid that occurred on the kingdom, and the direct attack on the prince, I had been bedridden in the room of the healers at the castle as they patched me up. I came to Jack's rescue as soon as I realized that we were being attacked, and he was right out in the opening as he was practicing for our training session. My legs carried me swiftly, and I could only assume that he was okay since no one had mentioned anything about a poor recovery or a dead prince. This left me to rest easily, but I wished still that he could come visit me in my room. I doubted he had the time, but the flicker of hope remained in my chest until I was finally given the all clear a couple days later.

"Mr Fischbach," the voice sounded to my left, and I turned to meet the face to which it belonged. A nice looking woman stood there, giving me a smile that sent relief flying through me. "I've been given permission to release you from the hospital and home." I'd never heard nicer words hit my ears, and I felt like I could jump up and throw my arms into the air in happiness, but avoided doing so since I'd injured myself not too long beforehand. I was left to get up and dressed, the thought of leaving a crowded building where injuries and sickness ran often alike and rampant through the halls sticking in my mind, and the first breath of freedom that hit my lungs filled them with the wind of cleanliness, and something less stuffy than where I'd just been residing. I felt the air seep through my clothes with the evening's coolness, and suddenly I wanted to run around. I wished that Jack was here to share this moment with me, but I let the thought fly from me. I wondered how he was doing, and I realized that I hadn't heard a word about him yet. I could only assume that he was doing alright, and that he was safe and healthy. I had heard no ill word of him, and if something had gone wrong the whole kingdom would soon know about it. With a sigh, I made my way towards the town.

"Mark!" I heard my name shouted, and for a second my heart raced. My thoughts instantly went to Jack, but I realized that I was graced by the General's presence, and not Jack's. I felt disappointment shoot through me, but I didn't have time to react as the General approached me with a grin and a wave. He was at my side, panting a small bit and resting his hand on my shoulder before smiling and standing up straight. He patted my back a couple of times before finally speaking. "The King wanted to see you as soon as you were awake, and I didn't quite catch you with the Healers. Now that you're here, will you come with me please?" I was eager to get home and sleep, despite having rested the entire time I was injured, but I knew better than to ignore the King's orders.

I followed the General back towards the castle and we headed up the steps as the sun finally dove over the horizon. Our steps were loud against the floor as the castle itself seemed to fall asleep, and I fell into step behind the General as we approached the King at his quarter's where he sat, speaking to another guard and finally guffawing as we got close enough to hear the conversation. The King brushed tears from his eyes and waved the guard away as we finally stood right in front of him. He turned to me fully now, addressing me head on and wearing a huge smile. He stood, sticking a rather large hand out to shake, and I eyed it before shaking it.

"Mr. Fischbach, I wanted to thank you for saving the life of the prince of the kingdom, as well as the life of my son. I know that the battle was a surprise, and it was tough, but even so you were ready to risk your life to save him, and that means more than anything to this kingdom." I could feel my face heating up and blush creeping up my neck and cheeks. I didn't expect such flattery from the King, but I didn't mind hearing it.

"I was simply doing my job, sir." I told him, and he scoffed at me while letting out a chuckle. I felt myself grin, and the General laughed at my side as well, resting a hand on my shoulder again and smiling up at the King.

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