18: Coming Together

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Jack's POV

"Prince Jack, listen to me right now!" I heard the General shout at me, but I stormed past him. My mouth was tilted into a grin, and I walked with confidence in my step, my shoulders straight and my chin high in the air. My legs felt stronger than they had in some time, and I felt more and more like myself: a prince with the arrogance and authority to do exactly what I wanted. "Jack!" The General shouted at me again, and the soldiers surrounding him in the fields paused to watch as I walked between them. They quickly bowed, and I strode right over to Mark, leaning down to touch him gently on the shoulder. He looked up at me in surprise, and I only gave him a small grin, a warm one; I let him know that everything was okay. His chocolate eyes were filled with relief, and I swore that I could see his excitement already. I turned around after gaining Mark's attention, and I met eyes with the General after a moment's hesitation.

"Is something wrong, Matthers?" I asked him, and I saw the General's eyes twitch in anger, his jaw shifting as it locked in attempt to keep himself from spitting words he would later regret. I could feel a sense of adrenaline run through my veins as I openly defied my father's right hand man, and I tipped my head to one side as if innocently asking a question that I didn't know the answer to. My twisted smirk and proud expression implied that I knew exactly why I was being called out, but I couldn't have cared any less.

"If you're here with the plan to steal away my best soldier for your play time, then you're surely mistaken." The General warned, and I could see a smile of his own playing across his lips, reminding me that he was still in charge of the soldiers and he knew what was going on when I stole Mark away. However, I only smiled back and found pleasure in his discomforted look in return at my confidence; I showed up to training this morning knowing exactly what I was going to and needed to say.

"Well, you're surely mistaken if you are trying to imply that Mark and I aren't training when we are away." I told him matter of factly. "You see, unlike your form of training, Mark and I disappear into the mountains to go climbing, and swimming on the beach opposing the one by the bay. We run actual drills rather than throwing each other into the ocean and calling it 'training.'" I heard a snicker from more than one of the soldiers bowing at my feet, and several shot each other glances with a smile on their face. It was amusing to see the man that bossed them around all day receive some belittlement every once in awhile. I blinked, once again playing the innocent card as if I hadn't just insulted the General, and I softened my voice. "Surely you won't tell Mark that he can't train me again. Its really not going to help come next battle." The General's jaw shifted, and I could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. I knew there were several things he wished he could say, but he kept his mouth shut and bowed deeply, a sign of respect usually but here it only meant sarcasm as he'd never bowed to me before.

"As you wish, Your Highness." The General said in an oddly smoothed voice, and I nodded to him. Despite my arrogance and willingness to tear this man apart right here in the middle of the field, I knew better than to insinuate any further arguments. I quickly motioned Mark to his feet and he stood without question, following me off the field as the General kept eye contact with me. He did not glare, he did not speak, but simply his half scowl and partly narrowed eyes spoke of his frustration at being made a fool, and his anger that I had once again gotten my way without question. I lifted my chin even higher, walking with my nose in the air and marching away from the field with Mark right behind me, both surprised and perplexed at what had just occurred. Once out of earshot, he darted in front of me and stopped me, placing a hand on my shoulder to pause my movements and gain my full attention.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, turning back to look at the General once more, who was now screaming at the other soldiers and waving his arms around. There was no doubt that the other soldiers in the platoon would now face a rigorous workout as a result of the General's rage. "I thought you were still cross with me, and more importantly I was sure that the General made it clear to me that I wouldn't be skipping training for anymore field trips." I folded my arms across my chest, looking at Mark with one eyebrow raised in amusement and a sense of mischief.

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