34: Revenge

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Jack's POV

I was left alone in my room for the rest of the day, and the following one. My door had been replaced, and it was shut and locked from the inside where I sat in the corner of my room. I sat in a ball, my head between my knees as I sobbed to myself, my anguish and grief wracking my body and rendering me unable to move or breathe. My cries and screaming were heard through the castle when awoke from nightmares, watching myself over and over again being unable to save Mark from his death. Unable to reach him in time as he sank from the rope into my arms, limp and already dead. In some of them, he came back to life and blamed me for being unable to save him. All of this was my fault, it had to be.

But after a day or so, I realized that it wasn't my fault. I was in love with Mark, but I wasn't the one who falsely imprisoned him, and I wasn't the one who had decided to break the law by bringing hangings back. I hadn't killed a valuable soldier and asset to the kingdom for no reason other than selfishness. I raised my head at the moment, listening to the rain falling outside, and I decided that I knew what I had to do. I stood, slowly, and I opened my door for the first time in a long time. The guards who were patrolling the hallway stopped, and they tried to say something but I simply walked by, ignoring them. When I passed a messenger, and I grabbed his shirt, bringing him close to my face. His face was twisted in surprise, and shock.

"Ignore whatever you are currently supposed to be doing, you're taking orders from me now. Go gather some others and tell all the villagers to meet in front of the steps to the castle." I ordered him, and he blinked at me for a moment before opening his mouth to object. "Now!" I snapped at him, and he fell from my grip and sprinted down the hallway, no longer ignoring my words. I felt numb, almost. Like my body wasn't real and as though none of my decisions had any effect anymore. I cared about nothing but the truth, and I was one of the only four men who knew what really happened. My goal now was to tell everyone, and let them decide whether or not Mark's fate was truly what he deserved.

After a few minutes I walked outside, watching as a crowd gathered under umbrellas and wondering why they were being asked to come out in such weather to the castle. My father and the General were out there too, just as confused before they turned and watched me walk down the steps. The General glared at me, and my father narrowed his eyes at me. I walked past them, my gaze on the crowd until my eyes landed on the one person that I wanted to be here. Mark's mother was glancing around, standing on her toes to peer above the others in front of her and see what was happening. She met my gaze, and she smiled when she saw me. Her somber expression had been changed for the first time in a long time as she recognized me, and I felt guilt lay heavy in my belly. My lips twitched, and I beckoned her forward. There was silence, only the rain slapping against the ground could be heard as the mass of the village gathered below us. Guards gathered behind us at my father's order, and I cleared my throat as Mark's mother bowed in front of me. I held her hands in my own, biting my trembling lips and trying not to cry.

"I'm so sorry." I told her in a soft voice that only reached her ears. She looked at me sadly, almost desperately, and then I held one of her arms in the air for everyone to see. "This is the mother of Mark Fischbach, who was hung illegally only a couple of days ago." My father flinched forward, and the General stared viciously. "Not only was the hanging process outlawed a long time, but he was hung for crimes he did not commit!" I shouted, and the crowd of villagers below me gasped collectively. Mark's mother let her hand fall slowly, and she looked at me incredulously. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, and pain, and the villagers began to whisper. My father appeared uncertain, but the General stepped forward smoothly.

"Please, everyone," he said, calming them all down within seconds. "The Prince was very good friends with Mr Fischbach, and has been locked away for a couple of days. I'm afraid his delusions must be getting to him now." The General stepped towards me to dismiss me, but I drew my sword and stepped in front of Mark's mother, aiming it at him as the rain fell down my face, dripping off my eyelashes and strengthening my angered and stubborn expression.

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