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Name: Chelsea Grace Tordjman

Age: Sixteen

Parents: Riley Brittany Tordjman and James Harrison Tordjman.

God Parents: Emily Alexandra Vran (Aunty) and Hunter Zachary Vran (Uncle)

Siblings: Laura Anna Tordjman, Jackson Thomas Tordjman (Younger siblings), Julie Lou Vran and Logan Felix Vran (God siblings/cousins)

Friends: Abigail Caitlin Randall (E Queen) , Addison Hayley Brown (E Queen), Brandon Jack Clost, Zachary Trevor Erlick, Jennifer Rachel Clost (E Queen), Amber Rosalynn Lupien (Eventually), Nicky Isabelle Lupien (E Queen), Harrison Andrew Bausilio, Bryce Joshua Lupien (Sort of), all of J-Troupe and B-Troupe as well as the Baby Ballet students.

(Has friends from other studios that will be introduced later in the story)

Relationship Status: None...😏

Name: Bryce Joshua Lupien

Age: Sixteen

Parents: Michelle Victoria Lupien and Eldon Isaac Lupien

God Parents: Amanda Logan Brown and Max Devon Brown

Siblings: Amber Rosalynn Lupien, Nicky Isabelle Lupien (Triplets) and Addison Hayley Brown (God sibling)

Friends: Abigail Caitlin Randall, Brandon Jack Clost, Zachary Trevor Erlick, Jennifer Rachel Clost, Harrison Andrew Bausilio, Chelsea Grace Tordjman (Sort of)

Relationship Status: None...😏

Name: Abigail Caitlin Randall

Age: Fifteen

Parents: Giselle Jordan Randall and Theodore Tyson Randall

God Parents: Richelle Briar Erlick and Noah Myles Erlick

Friends: Chelsea Grace Tordjman (E Queen), Addison Hayley Brown (E Queen), Zachary Trevor Erlick, Jennifer Rachel Clost (E Queen), Amber Rosalynn Lupien (Eventually), Nicky Isabelle Lupien (E Queen), Harrison Andrew Bausilio, all of J-Troupe and B-Troupe as well as the Baby Ballet students.

Relationship Status: Brandon Jack Clost (Crush)

Name: Addison Hayley Brown

Age: Sixteen

Parents: Amanda Logan Brown and Max Devon Brown

God Parents: Michelle Victoria Lupien and Eldon Isaac Lupien

Siblings: Jason Flynn Brown (Younger brother), Bryce Joshua Lupien, Nicky Isabelle Lupien and Amber Rosalynn Lupien (God siblings)

Friends: Abigail Caitlin Randall (E Queen), Brandon Jack Clost, Zachary Trevor Erlick, Jennifer Rachel Clost (E Queen), Chelsea Grace Tordjman (E Queen), B-Troupe, J-Troupe and the Baby Ballet students.

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