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Hey guys,

So I've noticed some book's plots on wattpad are being copied by other writers.

I don't know if that has been happening to me but I really want to find out.
So clearly I can't find all the other stinglu/ NaLu/ ZerLu books on my own so I want you guys, the readers, to help.

If you've seen any other books that you think is a lot like mine on wattpad please either comment on this or message me directly, tell me the name of the book and the authors name. I won't do anything irrational but I really just want to find out if anyone has been copying my book.

No one should have their books copied. So I really hope you guys can help by telling me if you've seen any other books on wattpad that have the same plot as me.

If anyone is planing to copy my book just so you know now, my book is protected by the copyright laws so please don't copy any just think of your own ideas.

I will be posting this on all of my books so please tell me.

Till next time,


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