Chapter 16: The Camp Part 1

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Lucy's POV

The week before the camp passed by faster than I expected. Right now I was walking with the people, representing Fairy Tail for the camp, to the meeting place in the forest.
It turns it that there will be no adult there (I meant like guild masters). But just the members from the guilds. And we have too cook, clean, and wash for ourselves.

We finally reached the meeting place and every other guild was there already. It looks like the it was the same people that participated in the GMG that's was there. Once the Fairy Tail representatives arrived, I looked over to Sabertooth and locked eyes with Sting for a couple of seconds, until I heard Erza repeating my name.

",...ucy,...Lucy!" I looked over to Erza.

"Sorry what was it?" I asked looking at her on my right.

"I asked if you're tired from all the walking."

"O-Oh, I'm fine." I gave her one of my biggest smiles. She looked convince so she looked away. A bit after that we all split up walking up to our friends from the other guilds. I walked up to Yukino, she was with her team from Sabertooth.

"Yukino!" I yelled as I ran up to her.


"Nice to see you again." I said.

"Yeah its been fore-" Before Yukino could finish Erza's voice cut in. I looked towards the front where Erza and Jura, from Lamia Scale, stood.

"I have gained information about this camp. This is what we must do for the next couple of weeks. First we all have to go into groups to do different jobs for the camp. For example one group has to go hunting and the other has to do cooking. At this camp there will be no adults only us, fellow guild members. So right now Erza and I will give you the groups you are in." Erza help up a piece of paper and started reading it out. (a/n I can't be bothered telling you all the groups so I'll just tell you Lucy's)

"Ok, group 4 will contain Natsu Dragneel, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney and just to make sure they don't all fight, Lucy Heartfilia.They will be in charge of getting some wood for fire. This is easy enough so even you guys can't break anything do this." I was shocked that I had to be in the same group as Sting, Natsu and Rogue. I mean why was I the only girl in a all boys group? I looked over to Erza and she mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' While I was still shocked. It took a while for Erza and Jura to explain all of the groups. Since to day was the first day we didn't have to do anything yet. But tomorrow will be pain.

Right now it was about 4pm to my surprise there was a beach and a hot spring near the camp for us. We all had to share cabins and luckily it was girls with girls on the left side of the camp, boys with boys on the right side of the camp, and there was a rule about no boys can go on the girls side. Before when Erza announced saying all that Mira shouted that she was against the rule about no boys on the girls side and the cabin arrangements, she also said something about OTP (a/n in case if you don't know what it OTP means it means One True Pairing.)

All the girls decided that tomorrow we should all go to the beach, well once we all finished our jobs at least. Right now all of the girls and I were on our way to the hot spring for a shower. But what we didn't notice was most of the boys following us.

"Hey lets go to the outdoor hot spring." Mira said.

"I guess." Kagura added. Once we got to the hot spring we all took our clothes off and wrapped a towel around our bodies, and went outside. What was unknown to all of us was that there was a hole on the fence, that was separating the boys bath from the girls bath. Plus we heard the boys over there. We all started talking about random things and Mira just asked a really weird question which was,

"Hey, who do you guys like?"

"HUH!" The rest of us shouted.

"You heard me." Mira said with a grin.

"Like we'll tell you." We said together.

"So you all do like someone." Mira said shaking her head slowly. 'We so fell for that.' I thought. "Ok Lucy, your up. Tell us who you like." Everyone looked over at me.

"I'm not telling any of you." I said.

"Come on." Mira pouted.


"Please." Mira said with a puppy face.

"N-No!" I said again.

"Aww, your no fun." She pouted again.

"Can we please talk about something else now? Please?" I said.

"Fine." Mira said giving up. I felt like someone was watching me from afar, I looked behind but no one was there. While looking back I saw a hole in the fence and I just realized where the other side of the hole lead too.

"Guys." I whispered. They all looked at me and I pointed over the the hole on the fence. I think Erza, Mira and Kagura got the picture because they all suddenly had a dark aura around them. I looked over at the hole again and saw something that looked like an eye. I realized it was Sting's eye because I saw a bit of a scar. I told Erza and she told all of us to put our clothes on and get outside. And so we the rest of us did what she told us and minutes later I heard screaming, so we all ran inside only to find boys fainted on the ground with Mira, Erza and Kagura smiling. I sweat dropped seeing the boys like this, but it serves them right for spying on us. I made sure all the boys were there but I still felt someone watching me.


Hey guys,

Happy New Year!!!!

I'm sorry this chapter was extremely bad, plus I updated it late. I am still really sorry about this chapter. I had really bad writers block. But next week I swear it will be better.

Please comment more it gives me a lot of help a lot. And please vote for me to help to to win the #wattys2014

Till next time,


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