Chapter 6: What Happens In The Forest Stays There

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Sorry guys I'm gonna have to skip the events and matches because I'm too lazy to watch the anime again and tell you about it.

Lucy's POV

The second day of the GMG is over and every guild is now going home. I was walking with the group to the bar we're usually at until they all felt some sort of dark magic in the forest.

"What was that?" Erza said looking as she was worried.

"You mean the dark magic wave just now? I wonder what it was." Gray said looking towards the forest.

As for me, I know what it was because I felt the same magic before, it was .............Zeref.

"Let's go look in the forest. Come on!" Natsu shouted. We all followed him into the forest,

"Maybe we should split up to cover more ground?" Wendy suggested.

"Great idea Wendy, ok so Carla and Wendy go with me, Gray yourself, Natsu yourself, and Lucy you can take care of yourself right?" Erza said.

"Y-yeah," I said with a smile. But the truth was that I was a bit worried because I knew this is what Zeref wanted, us to split up, and since I'm by myself he could come at any time, not to mention what he said before he left last time we met. If it wasn't for Natsu then who knows what would've happened to me by now.

"Ok, let's going."
Ok so I'm by myself, alone, in a creepy forest and not to mention that Zeref can show up any moment now!

I hear something moving in the bushes, I quickly turn around and say, "Whose there?"

No answer

'Weird' I thought. I walk towards the bush and then suddenly something jump out it was








"Hahahahahahaha, y-you should've s-seen y-your f-face!"

"Natsu!! I was scared to death!" I screamed.

"Ok, sorry it was just a joke."

"Fine, but what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to go another way?"

"Oh, it got boring so I just followed your scent and scared you." Natsu said lying on the ground, recovering from his laughter. I sweat dropped.

"Fine if your here you might as well search with me," I said walking away.

"H-hey wait up!" he said standing up and running towards me.

We were searching for awhile but we still couldn't find anything.

"L-luce, I-I feel sleepyyyyyy," Natsu suddenly fell asleep. I ran to him and caught him before he could hit the hard ground.

"Finally, his asleep." Anyone would say that was a unknown voice but I knew that was voice ......Zerefs.

I stood up and thought to myself 'oh no, I'm in trouble especially since Natsu's asleep.'

"Now to get down to business," he said looking at me, and before I knew it I was pushed against the floor by Zeref!
I tried to get loose but it would only make him hold on to me tighter.

"You don't need to look surprised. I told you that the next we meet no one would get in the way." He said right next to my ear, but I swear I could feel him smirking.

I looked at me and then pushed his lips down on mine!! I struggled but nothing worked. He licked my bottom lips for permission but I didn't do anything. He pushed his tongue in my mouth anyway. I could feel his tongue explore every inch of my mouth, I couldn't help but blush I can tell he noticed it because I felt him smirk. He then started to kiss down to my neck, I couldn't help but let out a small and quiet moan. I was hoping he didn't hear it but I was wrong.

"I like it do it again," he said as he was kissing harder. He came back to where my mouth was and kissed me again and dos the same thing as before but this time my body did something shocking. When he licked my lower lip my body opened my mouth for him. I could tell he was shocked as well but just for a second then he continued kissing me.
At that second my body wouldn't listen to me and it kissed him back. At that moment I lost control of my body, I felt weak and useless but a voice saved me from going any further with him.

"Lucy, Lucy where are you hiding," I knew that voice from anywhere it was Erza and her voice was coming closer and closer. All I heard was a "tch" before Zeref disappeared.

I quickly stood up and dusted the dirt off myself, before I saw Erza, Wendy and Gray.

"Where were you? We looked all over for you two," Gray said.

"Sorry I got lost and Natsu fell asleep."
I replied back at him pointing at Natsu snoring on the floor.

"Well we didn't find anything so let's go back but make sure to keep an eye out for the next couple of days." Erza said as she and Gray went to Natsu and carried him back to the inn.

"Hey, Lucy your face has been red for awhile now, are you ok?" Wendy said.

"Y-yeah," I managed to say before thinking about what Zeref did to me, and I got scared thinking if he would do it again but with no one else with me there.

I tried not to think about it and went to bed.

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