Chapter 10

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* Emma's POV *

I'd fallen asleep with Killian next to me, running his fingers through my hair while he finished up his own homework, but I woke up alone. I groaned and rolled over, finding the bed was still warm so he must have just left. I sat up and leaned out the window, my eyes finding him just as he dropped to the ground.

"Hey," I called to him with sleep still in my voice and he immediately looked up. "Where are you going?"

"I have to get ready for school, love," he smirked, his words making me notice that it was just about dawn. "All my clothes are at home, otherwise I'd stay."

"Oh," I said, looking down for a moment to hide my pout. "Well, do you think you can come back?"

"If you like," he nodded once, his smirk turning to more of a smile. "We can drive to school together, yeah?"

"Okay," I smiled a bit, all evidence of my pouting gone by the way his smile grew. "I'll see you soon then?"

"For definite, love," he smiled. "Go back to sleep and I'll be there when you wake up."

He winked at me and he was gone, making me shake my head at him. The strange thing was, I'd never slept as well as I had with him next to me, not once in my life. Now that sleep had faded from my mind I was in a wonderful mood, practically bouncing as I went to find something to wear. I knew people would still be staring at us, but I opted for something simple but cute anyway.

"How is it you look more beautiful every time I see you?" Killian's voice came from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to find him in my windowsill

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"How is it you look more beautiful every time I see you?" Killian's voice came from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to find him in my windowsill. "Its just not fair, you don't give a guy a chance."

"To be fair, I've always given you a chance," I smiled as I blushed and crawled onto the bed to wrap my arms around his neck while he pulled me closer by my hips. He pulled me right to his lips, making me sigh as we shared a tender kiss even better than the one we'd shared under my car. "Mmm I missed you."

"I missed you, too, love," he said against my lips, sliding his hands up to run them over my waist under my shirt. "I don't know how I'm going to handle the hours at school away from you."

"You should sit with us at lunch," I offered, my fingertips toying with the hair at the back of his neck. "Then I don't have to miss you like I always do, and we'll see each other after school in the library."

"It's not enough," he whined, kissing along my jaw to my neck softly and slowly. "I want to keep you in my arms every moment."

"I know," I sighed, closing my eyes and just trying to memorize how his lips felt on my skin and how his scruff scraped against my neck. "But unfortunately we're still in high school and I've already missed two weeks. Foster kids like me can't slack off."

"You need to turn eighteen," he told me like I didn't already know. "Then you and I can get a place of our own and I'll never have to let you go."

"We'll see," I smiled, bringing his lips back up to mine. "For now, we should get to school."

"Ah, just one more," he stopped me from pulling away, claiming my lips for a passionate kiss that warmed my insides from head to toe. I couldn't seem to get over the way it felt to kiss him, to be pressed to him as he held me and our lips moved in perfect sync. "Mmm... fine, let's go get stared at for a while."

We walked into homeroom hand in hand, getting stared at just like we knew we would. I sat in my usual seat and he sat behind me as I turned sideways so I could see him, his hand finding mine again to hold it in both his on the desk. All my friends still talked to us, but the moment Ruby walked in, alone for once, the room went entirely silent. Nearly half her face was dark purple, almost black even,  but she didn't even let it phase her.

"What are you all staring at?" She asked, her attitude the same as it was every day as she sat down next to me. "I know I'm fabulous, but good God. What's going on over here?"

"Uhm, not much," I said awkwardly, utterly confused as to why she was acting so normal. "Just what happened at the after party on Saturday. A bunch of people got caught."

Before anything else could be said the vice principal stepped in, looking around for something.

"Emma Swan?" She said, her eyes soon landing on me. "I need you to come with me."

"Okay," I nodded, squeezing Killian's hand before letting go to grab my stuff and follow her down the hall. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," she sighed, leading me into her office and having me sit down. "We were told your foster mother left town, is that true?"

"Yes," I said with confusion. "But she didn't say when she'd be back, it was kind of short notice, why?"

"Ingrid has custody of her nieces, but I'm afraid we're going to have to remove you from the house," she said, holding up her hand to stop my protests. "I know you don't want to, but it was reported to social services so we have to follow protocol. You'll be sent to Boston until things get figured out."

"But that could take months," I tried to argue as respectfully as I could. "And I'll be eighteen in a few weeks, I won't have anywhere to go."

"I'm sorry, Miss Swan," she said genuinely. "We can keep you on our curriculum if you want to return at that time, but I have to let you go when your case workers gets here."

"Okay," I swallowed hard, trying not to cry. I was used to this, to getting moved before I could even get settled, but this time... things were different. "Well, I'd like to stay enrolled here if that's alright, and I'll come back as soon as I can."

"Good, you're a model student, we'd hate to lose you," she gave me a slight smile. "Someone is packing your things now, so they'll be waiting for you."

"I don't get to say goodbye, do I?" I sighed, the look on her face telling me I was right. "Can I just talk to one person? Homeroom is still going on, and I won't take long."

She started to consider it but then my case worker walked in and that was my answer. I was escorted out to a van I'd seen a million of, all my stuff already there. I dug out a small decorative chest I had by my bed, opening it to find my corsage and Killian's tie still right where I left them. I let out a small sigh of relief, taking out the tie and running the peach colored satin through my fingers to calm myself. God, I was going to miss him...

It's shorter than I'd like, but I haven't updated in a few days and I felt bad. I'll try to get another chapter done soon as well, so don't worry. Later, loves!

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