The new girls

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We all know the Winx club. They are six friends-fairies to be exact.

Bloom princess of Sparx, was raised on Earth. She has a sister, Daphne. She's the Keeper of the Dragon flame.

Stella princess of Solaria. Fairy of the sun and moon.

Flora citizen of Linphea. Fairy of nature, has a sister Rose.

Musa citizen of Melody. Fairy of music.

Tecna citizen of Zenith. Fairy of technology.

Layla(also known as Aisha) princess of Andros. Fairy of water.

And here they are in their enchantix, flying in the air. Yet another victory for the Winx club, for they have saved the world once again.

But, imagine if they never were fairies, if all the magical dimensions never existed and they never went to Alfea, if they don't know each other, and they are all new 2nd year students at Eastwood high. Let's see the Winx club as ordinary girls. But what happens if something magical does happen? (a winx club story as ordinary girls, similar to Disney teen movies, i got inspiration from Disney's "Zapped", you should see it).

Chapter 1


The clock was showing 6:30,it was the 1st of September, second year of high school. A red haired girl woke up. She went to the bathroom, she got out and walked down the stairs.

-Morning mom, dad. Morning Daphne.

-Morning Bloom.

-Morning sweetie.


Bloom sat down and ate her breakfast. She got dressed in her school uniform(a white shirt with a grey tie. A grey coat on top of it, with buttons buttoned right under the tie. A grey skirt-a little above the knees, long socks under the knees and flat grey shoes).

-This is it.-she said nervously.

-Don't worry honey you will be great. I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends.

-Well, i had some in my old school.-she mumbled to herself-Well bye!


A blonde girl woke up at the sound of her alarm clock showing 6:30. She went to the bathroom, when she got out she came down the stairs.

-Morning Stella.-her mom said.

-Morning.-she yawned.

-How was your stay at dad's?

-Oh, it was great. He let me go shopping yesterday all-day-long!!!!-she squealed.

-All day long!? But honey, what about breakfast, lunch, dinner.... Oh, that dad of yours is gonna get it!-said her mom angrily.

-No mum, actually i had breakfast first, and then stopped for lunch at the mall.-she smiled nervously-Anyways gotta go get dressed.

She put on her uniform (the same as Bloom's,every uniform's gonna be the same). She walked down the stairs and just when she was about to open the door, she heard a yell and saw her brother running, more like stumbling down the stairs with a juice in his hand. Just her luck, she taught. He fell and he accidently sprayed the juice all over her skirt and a part of her shirt.

-JAMIE!!-she yelled

-Sorry.-said her five year old brother.

Her mother gave her a towel, she dried off the juice, but there was a huge stain. After that she nervously left the house.

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