The new song

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Chapter 14

The girls were getting ready for the talent show that was in one week.

-Alright, girls listen up.-said Musa- Miss. Chatam the music teacher told me we have to have two songs, cuz if we make it to the finale we have to play another song.

-Ok, I have an idea, how about a song about everyday life? It can start with waking up?-suggested Stella.

-Good idea, we can come up with lyrics.-said Musa.

-Hey Musa can I leave now, I got a text from Timmy, I have to meet him at the computer classroom, he said it's urgent.-said Tecna.

-Ok, we'll just be coming up lyrics and music notes today, so you won't miss much.-said Musa.

-Thanks, bye.-said Tecna as she rushed out of the music classroom.

-Hello is anyone here?-asked Tecna as she walked in the computer classroom and it was completely dark.

Suddenly a computer screen turned on. There was a writing on it: "Will you go out with me?". Then the lights turned on, and she turned around to see no other than Timmy.

-Did you do this?-asked Tecna still surprised.

-Yes.-he said.

-I would love to.-said Tecna.

-What?-asked Timmy as he was confused.

-Go out with you.-said Tecna as they both smiled.


-Hey Tec what's up?-Stella said through the phone.

-Hold on, I got Bloom and Musa on the line.-(Tecna).



-I got Flora on the line wait up.-said Stella.

-Hey everyone!-said Flora.-Should I call Layla?

-No need to Musa already did.-they heard Layla.

-So what is it that you wanted to say?-asked Bloom.

-Remember when I went to the computer room today?-said Tecna.


-Well, Timmy asked me out!-said Tecna.

-Wow! That's great!- (Bloom)

-When's the date?-(Flora)

-Call me to do your make-up!-(Stella)

-Good luck on the date!-(Musa)

-I never taught he'd ask.-(Layla)

-Thanks guys. I won't be wearing too much make-up Stella. And the date's in two days. Oh and I didn't think he'd ask either!-Tecna answered.

Tecna and Timmy.

Tecna was wearing a purple-green stripes T-shirt, green shorts and purple flat shoes. Her hair wasn't styled.

-Hey Timmy!-she said as she was waiting for him at the pizzeria.

Timmy wore his season 4 outfit.

-Hey Tecna.-he said a little nervously.

-Are you nervous?-asked Tecna.

-Well a little, ok maybe a lot. The thing is, I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up.-said Timmy still nervous.

-I'm nervous too. I haven't really been on a date before.-said Tecna.

Timmy seemed to come down.-Don't worry, we're just eating pizza, and you're doing fine for a first date.-he said, and Tecna smiled.

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