New songs, new dates

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Chapter 11

-Alright as you all know I made a reservation for the music classroom every day after school so we can rehearse for the talent show.-said Musa.

-OK, well first we need to come up with a lyrics.-said Layla.

-Guys I have mayor news!-said Stella rushing in the classroom.

-Where's the fire?-joked Tecna.

-Brandon just asked me out!-Stella squealed.

-That's great!-the others said.

-Well Sky asked me out too. Two days ago.-said Bloom.

-Why didn't you tell us!-said Stella hugging Bloom.

-Well how'd it happen.



Stella was walking away from her locker. Brandon was walking behind her when he "slipped" and "accidently" dropped a piece of paper. Stella took the paper. It read:

"Stella, will you go out with me?"

She lifted her head and was looking at him.

-Yes.-she smiled.

End of flashback

-Cool.-the girls said.

-What about you Bloom?-asked Flora.

-It was simple, he said that he likes me and he asked me out.-she said.

-Ok, let's get to work-said Musa.-But before we start I'd like to remind you that we're not gonna use wishes for the talent show, ok?

-Speaking of which, we all have 14 wishes left, while Bloom has 13.-said Tecna.

-Don't worry we will not use the wishes.-said Flora.

-Ok then, girls we have to come up with lyrics.-said Musa as they all sat down and started thinking.

After two hours they came up with a lyrics.

-Ok, let's see what we got.-said Musa as they all passed her the papers. She combined a few parts of every list.-Alright, so I took something from every list, let's see what we got:

"A magical world of wonder"

We're back so listen up,

Because we've got something to say,

Fasten your seat belts now,

We're gonna take you to a place,

It won't take too long,

We're already there,

Tell me what do you see?

Are you awake?

This stuff is real!

We're back so listen up,

Because we've got something to say,

Fasten your seat belts now,

We're gonna take you to a place,

It won't take too long,

We're already there,

Tell me what do you see?

Are you awake?

This stuff is real!

-So far so good.-said Flora.-Well, I think it's enough for today. It's nine o'clock, our parents will be worried sick!

The next day the girls were in the cafeteria.

-So how'd it go last night with your parents?-asked Bloom.

-I used a wish.-said Flora.-And by the looks on your faces I'm guessing you did the same.

They nodded.

-Hey girls!-the Speciallists were coming their way.

-Hey!-they said.

-So what are you up to?-they asked.

-Well, me and the girls were just talking about the talent show.-said Layla.

-Oh yeah, so did you come up with a song?-asked Nabu.

-Yeah, but we're not done yet.-Layla answered.

-Can we sit?-the boys asked.

-Sure.-(The girls).

They started talking about their families, and when they got to the mothers part, Musa excused herself and exited the cafeteria.

-Why did she leave?-asked Riven.

-Her mother died when she was young, and she doesn't want to talk about it, or hear anything like that.-whispered Layla.

After a while Riven left with an excuse that he needs to get ready for class.

-I know those two will get together.-said Stella.

Riven walked in the music room. Just as he expected. Musa was there. She was sitting on a chair writing something.

-Hey what are you doing?-he asked her.

-The question is what are you doing here?-she said.

-I I have to go to physics class, but I accidently got in here.-he said.

-Ok. I'm writing a song.-(Musa).

-What kind of a song?-(Riven).

She sighed. -A duet.

-Can I see it?-he asked.

She hesitated a bit and then she gave him the papers.

"Breaking free" (High School Musical)

Riven: We're soarin', flyin'

There's not a star in heaven

That we can't reach.

Musa: If we're trying

So we're breaking free.

Riven: You know the world can see us

In a way that's different than who we are.

Musa: Creating space between us

Til' we're separate hearts.

Both: But your faith it gives me strength

Strength to believe...

The bell rang.

They both left separate ways for class.

After class the girls went to their lockers.

As Flora opened her locker, she saw a basket of flowers.

-These are lovely!-she said.

-Who are they from?-asked Stella.

-There's a card in here!-said Flora.

-Read it out loud!-said Stella. All the girls gathered around her.

-"Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I would like to go out with you.

Answer: _"


Flora sighed. She smiled.

She wrote the answer, pictured it with her phone and sent the picture to Helia.

He replied with:

"See ya Friday 6:00 in front of the school."

Flora smiled.

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