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Chapter 2


Bloom sighed as she was about to enter the school. She made her first step in. She smiled, but that smile soon faded away when she figured out that she doesn't know where the English classroom is. The bell was ringing.

-Oh no-she taught.


As Stella entered the school she smiled, her first class was English.

-Everything is fine......Wait! I don't know where is the classroom-she taught. She started panicking.


Flora was nervous as she walked inside.

-Everything is fine...just keep calm...Oh! Where's the English classroom!?!?

She went pale when the bell rang.


Musa was dragged inside the school by Shannon, because she didn't want to enter.

-So your classroom is upstairs, you turn left, go left, turn left, go left and turn right, go right. Got it?

-Oh, uh-huh yeah, got it-said Musa who was busy looking around the school and didn't hear a thing.

-Ok, good luck-said Shannon, and left as the bell rang.

Musa came to her senses. Then she remembered, she doesn't know where the classroom is!!


Tecna entered with her sister. She had maps from the school printed from before, so she gave one to Rita.

She made it to the classroom. She entered and saw music instruments! Luckly no one saw her.

-I must have mistaken the map, so the English classroom is on the other side of the school!! I am so gonna be late!!-she taught as she started running towards the classroom.


Layla ran inside the school with her brothers, their classrooms were in the right hallway from the entrance.

-Bye!-said Layla.


Layla just stood there for a couple of minutes trying to figure out where was her classroom. The bell rang. She couldn't remember. She started running in panick. What was she gonna do!?!?


The girls were hurriedly running through the school knocking on every door. Then, they heard Tecna whisper loudly to herself:

-Classroom 152.

They all smiled since that was the English classroom.

They all went running the same direction, and when they opened the door all six of them stumbled inside the classroom.

The class started to laugh as the teacher angrily glared at them.

-Just what do you think you're doing!?!-the teacher yelled.

-We're sorry sir, we were looking for the classroom, and we couldn't find it. According to that i suppose that the six of us are new students. And i think i speak in the name of everyone when i say we are deeply sorry for this and it will never happen again.-Tecna answered diplomaticaly.

They headed to the empty long bench for six and sat as the teacher nodded.


In one of the tables there were six guys whispering:

-I think you may have a competition Tim-smirked the magenta haired guy.

-Oh, shut up. No one can beat me in anything. I'm the smartest kid in school-Timmy said proudly.

-We'll see about that-said a blonde haired guy.


As the girls sat down they started whispering:

-Now that was an exciting event. What are your names i'm Stella.

-I'm Bloom.

-My name is Tecna.

-I'm Flora

-Musa here!


-So you guys are new here?-asked Layla.

-Hey my calculations are always correct!-defended Tecna.

-Well you got that right -said Musa -we are all newbies here.

-So since you're in this class i'm guessing you're sophomores?

-Right again Tecna.-said Stella-she's gonna be a buzzkill-she mumbled to the others as they giggled.

-Well i suggest we stick together, since we're all newbies and it looks like we're gonna get along-suggested Bloom.

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