The date(s)

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Chapter 13

Bloom and Sky.

Bloom was standing in front of the school, waiting for Sky. It was the night of their date, she had no idea what kind of plans he has, but she taught probably movies or a restaurant.

She was wearing a baggy blue T-shirt with a white strap shirt underneath, white short jeans and blue flat shoes. Her hairstyle was like in season 5.

-Hey Bloom, sorry I'm late,-said Sky as he was rushing there.

-You're not late, you're right in time.-she said.

Sky was wearing his casual season 1 outfit.

-So, where are we going?-asked Bloom.

-Well, I was planning on taking you to the mall, and since you're dressed for the occasion, maybe we can go to a water park?-he asked hoping the last part didn't sound too childish.

-It is a nice weather, sure I love water parks.-she said.

-I kinda taught that the last part sounded childish, you know waterpark.-he said a little embarrassed.

-Well we were all kids once.-smiled Bloom.

Bloom and Sky got out of the water park after riding on all the rides, and were completely wet.

-That was fun! I haven't been to a waterpark since I was fourth grade, when we lived in our old town. You see my sister was a second year high school student, and she was ashamed at the taught that some of her friends may see her in a waterpark, which she taught was too childish. So we got on this ride, because she didn't want her friends from the mall to see her, and as we were riding, she got scared and started yelling, so everyone saw her even her friends!-said Bloom.

-Interesting story.-said Sky who couldn't stop staring at her.

-I had a great time on this date, maybe we can go out again sometime?-asked Sky.

-How about tomorrow? We can go to the concert.-suggested Bloom.

-What concert?-asked Sky.

-There's a concert at school, some girls from the talent show will be performing.-said Bloom.

-Ok, sure.-said Sky as he smiled.

-Well, bye.-said Bloom.

-Bye.-said Sky as he kissed her cheek, then he just turned around and quickly walked away.

Bloom was shocked, she didn't expect this coming! She just stood there for a couple of minutes holding her cheek and blushing like mad.

Stella and Brandon.

-Hey Stella. Why are you late?-asked Brandon and regretted that, that's not what you should ask a girl on your first date!

-Sorry. I couldn't find my lipstick, because my brother was painting with it!-Brandon chuckled-Then I just wished...I...could get a new one-she smiled nervously-and I ran to the store.-she got away with this one, but Tecna will not be happy to hear that.

Stella was wearing a yellow ruffled skirt, a sparkly yellow strapless tank top with sparkly yellow flat shoes and a thin yellow jacket. Her hair was loose.

-It's ok, no problem, so wanna go to the new pizzeria?-asked Brandon.

Brandon had his season 5 clothes.

-Sure why not.-she said.

They were at the pizzeria for two hours, talking and getting to know each other better. It was time to leave.

-It was really fun on this date.-said Stella-how about we go to the concert at school tomorrow?

-Ok I'll see ya there sunshine!-The last word slipped his mouth, he just left embarrassed.

Stella smiled, sunshine, 'I like that nickname' she taught.

Flora and Helia.

Flora was nervously waiting for Helia in front of the school.

She was wearing a green T-shirt with pink hearts on it, green shorts and pink flat shoes. Her hair was loose.

-Hello. Sorry I'm late.-said Helia.

Helia was wearing his season 4 outfit.

-No, you aren't. Late. I just came earlier. So where are we going?

-You'll see.-he said.

-Can I open my eyes now?-asked Flora.

-Yes.-said Helia.

-Wow. This is amazing!-said Flora as she saw the place.

It was a greenhouse. There was a blanket on the ground and around it there were flowers. There were a lot of candles put here and there. On the blanket there were two plates, a basket with food and a candelabra. And as the walls were made out of glass, they could see the sky and the stars.

-I knew you'd like it.-said Helia as he smiled.

-Like it? I love it!-said Flora as they sat down to eat.

-Helia, I don't know how you managed this, but it was wonderful!-said Flora as she was lying on the blanket looking at the stars.

-Well, I knew you love plants and nature, and what's a better place than a greenhouse?-he said.

-Thanks, this date was amazing.-said Flora standing up.

-I'm glad you liked it.-said Helia.

-And I was thinking, maybe we can go out again sometimes?-she said.

-Ok, how about tomorrow at the school concert, I know it'll not be really a date, but we can go together.-he said.

-Sure why not.-she said.

-Well, goodbye Flora I'll see you tomorrow. I love you.-Helia put his hands on his mouth realizing he said that out loud. Flora giggled.

-Me too.-she said loud enough for him to hear her.-Bye.

After Flora left Helia started jumping around the place yelling: "Yes, she loves me!"

Layla and Nabu.

Nabu was waiting for Layla in front of the school.

He was wearing his season 4 outfit.

-Hey Nabu.-said Layla as she was running his way.

She wore a pink sleeveless hoodie, short green tracksuit pants, pink leg warmers and green trainers.

-So wanna go to the mall?-asked Nabu.

-What are we gonna do there?-asked Layla.

-There's this new skate park.-said Nabu.

-Ok, let's go.-said Layla.

-Now that was fun!-said Layla, as they were leaving the skating park.-I didn't know you could skate so well.

-Now you do.-said Nabu.

-Ouch!-Layla suddenly yelled.

-What is it are you okay?-asked Nabu.

-I'm fine, it's just I hit my leg one week ago, it was nothing, but it hurts again.-she said confused, that was the leg she hit from the weight lifter, but she healed it with the wish, so how could it hurt now?

-Do you wanna sit down?-he asked.

-Nah, I'm fine.-she said as they continued walking.

-Well, bye.-she said. As she turned around she heard Nabu:

-Do you wanna go out again?-he asked hoping she would say yes.

-Well.... Ok.-she said.-How about we go out tomorrow at the mall, maybe we can go to a coffee shop, or the skate park....

-Alright, see ya there 6:00 o'clock.-he said.-Bye I love you !-as soon as he realized he said that out loud, he covered his mouth with his hands and started running. Layla giggled. 'Who would have taught, Layla's on a date.'-she taught. 'Oh no how am I gonna tell this to my dad?' she taught.

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