I quit!

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Chapter 16

Musa was in her room. She was there for one hour, after her date finished. At first, she cried, cuz she was offended by the things Riven said about her mom's song, but after a while she started finishing "Breaking Free".

She took her phone, and dialed a number.

-Hello?-said Tecna.

-Hey Tech, can we meet up, I need my bracelet, I have a wish. Don't worry it's important.-said Musa. She wanted to wish for her and Riven to forget they ever had that date.

-Ok, I'll be there in about 10 minutes?-said Tecna.

-Ok, see ya.-said Musa as she hung up the phone.

-Hey....everyone?-said Musa as she was confused to see, not just Tecna, but the rest of the Winx.-What are you all doing here?

-Well, I have something to tell you guys.-said Tecna as she stood up from her seat on the bench, and Musa sat down.-I lost the bracelets.-said Tecna quickly hoping they won't hear her clearly.

-YOU WHAT!-yelled Stella.-How could you do this you're the responsible one!

-I don't know!-said Tecna, confused as well.

-Alright, let's all take a deep breath.-said Bloom.-Tecna, when is the last time you had the bracelets?

-Let me see, um...in school! I know had them.-said Tecna.

-Did you have then when you left the school?-asked Flora.

-I think not.-said Tecna unsurely.

-What happened before you left the school?-asked Layla.

-Well, I was in the bathroom, and...and...yup, that's pretty much all I got.-said Tecna.

-Sorry to disappoint you, but it's really late, we have rehearsal tomorrow before and after class, because the talent show is tomorrow night!-said Musa.

-Oh my god! I totally forgot about that, well see ya tomorrow.-said Stella as they all went home.

The girls were at the cafeteria for lunch.

-Girls! I have something mayor!-said Flora as she rushed to the table the girls were at.

-Slow down Flo! Where's the fire?-said Musa.

-Musa, this is no time for jokes. Destiny and the wanna-bees have our bracelets!-said Flora almost breathless from all the running.

-WHAT?!-yelled the other five in union.

-Exactly my reaction.-said Flora.

-H..h..h.h.h..how!-said Layla shocked.

-Well, they probably took them somehow, if they fell...Tecna, did the bracelets fall yesterday when you took them?-asked Flora.

-Hmmm. Yes! When I was in the bathroom, Destiny accidently knocked over my backpack, and she must have took them when she was picking up my backpack!-said Tecna.

-But, she probably heard us before, when we were talking about the bracelets, otherwise, how could she know they are magical?-said Bloom.

-Bloom's got a point.-said Musa.

-Well, be careful when you're around her, ok? Who know what's she gonna do with it.-said Tecna as they all went to class.

-Hey, Winx!-Destiny called the girls, as they were about to get to class.

-Hey!-said Stella as she turned around and they continued walking.

-Come here!-said Destiny. They came.-I would like to introduce you to our new boyfriends. Meet Sky (her boyfriend), Brandon, Helia, Timmy, Nabu and Riven. (They were the wanna-bees' boyfriends).

-You used the wishes, didn't you?-hissed Layla.

-Why wouldn't we? Oh and by the way, I wouldn't go to the talent show if I were you.-she said as she left with the wanna-bees behind her.

-This is hopeless. We're never gonna win this thing!-said Musa as she was sitting in the bench in the gym.

-And they have my snoockums!-cried Stella.

-Stell, chill! It's all a part of their plan, can't you see? They want to make us sad and angry so we won't perform!-yelled Layla.

-Hello girls what seems to be the problem?-asked the coach as he walked up to them.

-Hey dad, I mean coach. I know this is a little weird to hear it from me, but...can we go out of class early, cuz the talent show's in 3 hours and we have to get ready.-said Layla.

-Well, as a coach I would say no, I mean you have 3 hours! And as a dad, I can see something's bothering you, and I would say yes. But I'm gonna let it slide this time, but this once only, ok?-said her dad/the coach.

-Ok, thanks dad!-said Layla as she hugged him. He cleared his throat-I mean, coach!-said Layla as she stepped back and headed to the changing room with the girls.

-Alright, we need to put on our uniforms. And where are our uniforms?-said Bloom.

-Oh my god! Look!-Flora yelled.

-They didn't!-said Stella.

-They did.-said Tecna.

Their uniforms were on the floor all ripped up and scattered everywhere.

-Ok, don't panic, if the principal doesn't see us we're good.-said Tecna.

-Yeah, and we still have our performing outfits, I mean what's the worst that could happen?-said Stella.

-Ok, I take it back, we don't have our performing outfits.-said Stella as she saw their performing outfits all ripped up and, well, destroyed, in their lockers.

-Great! Just great!-said Musa as she bumped against the locker.

-You know if you continue like that, you're gonna break something. And it's gonna be a pity being without a locker, Musa.-said Layla.

-Oh shut it!-said Musa angrily as she bumped against the locker again.

-Come on! We can do this! I mean what's the worst.....-said Stella, but was stopped by Bloom's hand being put on her mouth.

-Don't even say it! The last time you said that, this happened.-said Bloom.

-Hey losers I would say that I wish you good luck, but that would be a horrible waste of a wish!-said Destiny as she walked by.

-She's right, we're never gonna win the talent show. And she already took the guys away from us.-Musa said the last part quietly.

-That reminds me, how was your date with Riven?-asked Stella.

-Oh, don't get me started! Well In one word, it was horrible.-said Musa.

-That's not important now Stella. We can't do this, I give up!-said Layla.

-Whoah, whoah, whoah! Did I just hear the toughest girl in school, the big fighter, saying: "I give up"?-said Stella shocked.-I'd say not! Layla, when the going gets rough, the rough gets going. I don't really know what that means, but what I'm saying is that losers quit! And winners never quit! So come on are you with me?

-Well, than I guess we're losers.-said Bloom as everyone accept Stella started leaving.

-I guess I'll see you guys 'round.-said Musa sadly.

-See ya.-said the others, also sadly.

-What just happened?!-Stella was really confused. Why would her best friends give up?

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