Go out with me?

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Chapter 12


-Hey everyone!-yelled Stella happily as she entered the apartment.

-Hey honey, you look unusually happy, what's up?-asked her mom.

-Brandon asked me out!

-WHAT!-said her parents in union.

-No, no, no, you are not allowed to date!-said her mom.

-I wish you would let me date!-Stella yelled.

-You know what honey, have fun on your date!-said her mom.

'Yes!' thought Stella.

-Hey Stell what's up?-her brother just entered the room.

-Well, I'm going on a date tomorrow!-she squealed.

-Good. If he breaks your heart, just call me, I'll handle him!-said Jamie.

-Hhahhaah, you're too cute. Don't worry I can take care of myself, but thanks for the offer.-she said.


-Mom, I have a date tomorrow.-said Bloom from the couch.

-What! I thought we discussed this! No dating until you're 18!-said her mom.

-Please mom, please!-begged Bloom.

-No! And that is final!

-I'm sorry mom...-mumbled Bloom-I wish my parents would let me date.

-Honey, on second thought, have fun on your date!-her mom said as she left for the kitchen.

-Hey Daph what are you up to?-asked Bloom.

-Oh, hey Bloom, I'm sorry can't talk I got A LOT of studying. I failed all the tests, and if I don't learn them before next week I'm gonna have to repeat the year!-she said as she rushed Bloom out of her room.

Bloom was confused, Daphne, repeat?


-Mom, dad...um I have a date with Helia tomorrow.-Flora was insecure of what her parents were gonna say.

-Wonderful honey, have a good time.-said her mom.

-You're not going.-said her dad.

-But dad please.-said Flora.






-I wish dad would let me go on my date with Helia.-mumbled Flora.

-I'm sorry Flora I don't know what came to me, you can go on your date.-her dad said.

Layla was playing basketball by herself at the gym at school, when Nabu came.

-Hey can I join?-he asked. She passed him the ball.

They were playing for a while and then they took a break.

-Hey Layla, I have a question.-(Naby)


-Well, you see, I got a... friend and uh.... He likes this girl, but he doesn't know how to ask her out, got any tips I can tell him?-(Nabu)

-Well, girls like flowers and chocolates and romantic stuff, but not me, I'm not really what you call a girly-girl. But you should talk to Stella about that, that's her area.-she said.

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