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Chapter 15


-Hello Layla, and, um, Stella is it?-asked Layla's mom as she opened the door.

-Hi mom.-said Layla.

-Yes, I'm Stella, hello.-said Stella.-I was wondering is Layla's father here? I have something important to talk to him about.

-Stella!-said Layla.

-Hey, do you want to perform or not?-asked Stella. Layla just sat down on the couch beside Stella.

-What do you need to talk about?-asked Layla's mom.

-I need to talk to him about the detention he gave Layla.-said Stella.

-I don't think you can talk him out of that, i want her to perform too, but no one can talk her dad out of anything, are you sure?-said Layla's mom.

-Trust me.-said Stella.

-Teredor!-yelled her mom.

-What is it Niobe?-he said.

-Come here.-she said.

-What?-he asked as he came.

-Have a seat Sir. I'm here to speak to you about your daughter's detention.-said Stella seriously.

-Listen young lady, no one can change my mind!-he said.

-OK, I want to make a bet. We'll play a basketball game, if I win, Layla's no longer got detention, and if you win, she won't lose her detention.-said Stella.

-Alright. I'll wait for you in the back yard.-said Teredor.

-Stella, are you out of your mind?! You don't know how to play basketball!-said Layla.

-Relax!-said Stella- I wish to beat Layla's dad in basketball.

-Stella that's cheating!-said Layla.

-Look, I'm doing this for your own good.-said Stella as she went to the basketball court in their backyard.

She beat Teredor, and Layla's detention was off.

-Hey Stella, I got a text from the girls, they want to meet us at the park.-said Layla.

-OK-said Stella.

-Hey what's up!-said Layla as she and Stella were walking up to the others that were already in the park.

-Well, we all have 12 wishes left.-said Tecna.

-How?-asked Layla.

-Well, I used mine to get a new computer, Flora used it to get a new plant, Musa used it to write her homework, I know you (Layla) used yours to get a new basketball, and I'm pretty sure Stella used her, to convince your dad, am I wright?-said Tecna.

-Yeah.-said Stella.

-Look girls we should only use our wishes if necessary.-said Tecna.

-I might have another problem-said Bloom-ever since I wished people would stop comparing me to my sister, she is worse at school, her temper and attitude are a mess, she's completely changed!

-Well, as much as I hate to admit it, my parents are fighting all along, and at this moment, I just want them to divorce again.-said Stella.

-No one remembers the flour incident, but wherever I go there's flour! And, does that woman have flour in her bag?-said Flora.

-As for me, the good thing is that Shannon doesn't borrow my clothes anymore, but the bad thing is that now she gives me her clothes! My room is full with clothes!-said Musa.

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