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Chapter 4


Bloom opened the door and went to the living room to find her parents and sister sitting in silence.

-I'm home!-she said confused.

-Sit down Bloom.-said her father seriously.

-The principal called us.-said her mum, also seriously.

-We are very disappointed in you.-said her mom.

-Can you let me explain? Please?

-Honestly Bloom why can't you be more like your sister here. She never got in trouble her entire life!-her mother ignored her.

-Mom, this isn't about that you see....

-Go to your room Bloom.-said her father strictly.

-Just listen!-yelled Bloom-I'm sorry. There were these girls, they insulted us. And two of my new friends wanted to fight for that. But we stopped them. But then the principal came and he trusted that girl instead of us. Some guys tried to help us, but the principal believed her.

Her parents remained speechless.

-We're sorry Bloom.-said her dad with his head down.

-It's ok you didn't know. Now how about dinner?-said Bloom leaving the whole incident behind.

-OK honey. But I think Daphne should cook instead of you.


Stella quetly walked inside. She was scared seeing her parents together. They always fought when together, and now imagine them angry at each other and her at the same time!

-Stella sit down!-she heard her father.

She sat down.

-The only thing I have to say is why? Why were you fighting, I mean you know better than that!-said her mom who was obviously more disappointed than angry.

-Well, I actually didn't fight...

-Enough! Stop trying to get out of this!-yelled her father angry.

-Radius stop yelling at my daughter, let her finish!-yelled her mom.

-Well she's my daughter too! And I can yell at her if I want to. Now Stella go to your room!-her dad was furious.

-NO! Stella EXPLAIN!-said her mom.

-Long story short, we got insulted-and by "we" I mean my friends and me-got insulted by this girl and two of my friends got angry and wanted to fight her, but we stopped them and when the principal came he believed her that we were fighting her-as she said.-finished Stella.

-Sorry honey. You can go to your room.-said her mom.

Stella was talking to her brother as she heard a knock.

-Come in!

-Hi Stella.-it was her dad-I'm sorry for what happened, I was just furious, I couldn't believe that my daughter was in a fight.

-It's ok daddy-she said as she hugged him.

-Well I'm leaving now.-he said as he hugged Jamie too.

-Can't you stay for dinner?-asked Jamie.

Their dad had a sad look on his face.

-Sorry guys, but you know the rules. You're with me on weekends, and now since you moved, you'll be coming for vacations and some holidays.-he said as he kissed them good bye and left.


Flora walked in.

-Flora honey please tell us what happened we know you didn't fought.-said her mom.

Flora told them the story.

-And that's it.-she said.

-I knew there was an explanation for this!-said her dad happily as her parents hugged her.


Musa stepped inside and saw her dad running towards her.

-Musa my darling are you ok? Sit down, here have a glass of water, Shannon told me you had detention, and the principal called. Why were you fighting, Musa why do you always fight?!

-I'm sorry daddy, but you see me and my new friends went to the cafeteria. And there was this girl Destiny, she insulted two of my friends, so me and Layla-also one of my friends-wanted to fight her, but luckly the others stopped us. Then the principle walked in and Destiny said we fought her, but the truth is we didn't land a hand on her! So he believed her and not us!-she yelled.

-Well I'm glad it's over-her dad hugged her.

Musa went to her room. Shannon came.

-So what do you think?-(Shannon)

-Of what.-(Musa)

-Well the school, Destiny-she growled as she said her name-and the Speciallists?-(Shannon)

-I like the school, as you can see I made some fiends and Destiny is a pain in the...

-Musa!-Shannon scolded her.



-That's all-Musa said avoiding the last question.

-What about the Speciallists?

-What about them?-Musa was playing dumb.

-What do you think, do you like them, or any other guy?

-No, I don't have a crush. And as for the Speciallists, well let's just say that some of my friends like them, but that's all I'm gonna say, I can't spill their secrets to everyone.

-It's ok.-smiled Shannon noticing that Musa skipped the question again. 'She must like someone from the Speciallists' she taught.


-Sit!-Tecna heard her mother say strictly, just as she opened the door.

-Mum I have a logical explanation for this.-defended Tecna.

-You better have!-said her dad.

-Well it all started...-Tecna told them the story- and that's the end.-she said.

-We believe you.-said her mother.

-But mom, she is lying.....

-As for you young lady, we are ashamed of you! You could've helped your sister! You're grounded for one week!-Her mom scolded Rita.

-Thanks a lot nerd!-Rita angrily said.

-Rita!-their mom yelled angrily.


Layla walked in the house and sat down on the couch, she knew what was waiting for her.

Her parents and brothers came.

-Speak!-her mom said.

Layla told them the story.

-Honey, are you sure there were no boys?-asked her dad.

-Yes dad I am.-answered Layla.

-OK, well I'm done with the questions. Oh and great news, your brothers made the team! Girl tryouts are tomorrow after class.-said her dad as he left with the boys outside. (I want to make her dad kinda like Jerry, Alex's dad from Wizards of Waverly place, you should watch that, the episodes are pretty funny)

-I'm sorry mom.-said Layla.

-You shouldn't fight. But you did it with a reason. To protect your friends. And I'm proud of you, but still, you shouldn't fight, unless you're attacked.–said her mom as she hugged her.

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