Talent show

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Chapter 17

The phone started ringing.

-I'LL GET IT MOM!-yelled Layla.

-Hello, Layla speaking.

-Layla, meet me at my house ASAP!-Layla heard Stella on the other side of the phone.

-Stella are you ok? What's going on?-Layla asked worriedly, but Stella already hung up the phone.-Mom, I'm going at Stella's!-yelled Layla as she grabbed her coat and started running towards Stella's place.

-Stella I came as soon as I could, what's the...problem?-asked Layla, who rushed inside Stella's room, to see Stella, and the others around her.

-Problem? Oh, there's no problem, I just said that so you can all come here as soon as possible.-said Stella while lying on her bed.

-What? Explain!-yelled Layla.

-Jeez! Come down, you're beginning to sound like my mother!-said Stella.

-Stella...-growled Layla.

-Ok, Ok! I invited you all here...so...you can...try out my new outfits!-said Stella.

-You want someone other than you to try out your new clothes?-said Musa in disbelief.

-Yes. Please?-said Stella.

-Ok.-said Tecna.

-Great! Here, put them on, quickly, and wait for me to dress up, so I can make your hair and make-up, okay?-said Stella quickly.

-Ok?-said Musa confused.

-Why the hurry Stella?-asked Bloom.

-Yeah, and why hair and make-up?-asked Flora.

-Well, you know me, I always rush things! And as for the hair and make-up, I just want to see the complete look. Now start dressing up!-said Stella.

-Done!-said the girls in union.

-Alright, let me see. Oh, you look gorgeous!-said Stella.

-Can we see ourselves in the mirror?-asked Tecna.

-No, not yet. Hair and make-up, remember?-said Stella, the girls just growled-Jamie, you can come in now!

-Hi!-said Jamie as he walked inside the room.

-Well hi there, I suppose you're Jamie, Stella's brother?-said Flora in a sweet voice.

-Yes. And I suppose you're the Winx, right?-said Jamie.

-Yes.-said the girls in union.

-Girls, Jamie's gonna pass me the make-up and hair tools while I do your hairs and make-up.-said Stella-In one word, he's gonna be my assistant.

Stella did the girls' hair and make-up.

-Well, what do you think?-asked Stella happily.

-I think that none of this was necessary, but I like it!-said Bloom as she looked in the mirror. The others liked it too, you could tell by the way they were smiling.

They all wore the school's uniforms, but with some modifications and color.

Bloom was wearing a white shirt, with a blue-black square design jacket. She had a blue mini skirt, black trainers and above the knee white socks. Her hair was styled with high tween braids, with blue ribbons.

Stella was wearing a light-orange shirt, with a short orange jacket. She had a white, little above the knees skirt, and whitetrainers, with orange, under the knee socks. Her hair was styled in a side pony-tail.

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