Science class

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Chapter 5

-Hey girls!-called Bloom when she saw the girls inside the school.

-Hey what's up? Are you grounded for the detention? I'm not, I know I'm so lucky.

-Stella stop talking! She didn't hear a thing!-said Musa.

-Well I heard something. No, I'm not grounded and I'm happy no one else is.-said Bloom.

The girls went inside the classroom to find the Speciallists.

-Hey girls!-(Sky)

-How did you survived detention?-joked Riven.

-Riven!-whispered the guys.

-Well as you can see we're alive.-said Musa annoyed.

The class started. It was science.

-Good Morning class. Today we will make an experiment, we've already done this one. Turn to page 394. You will work in pairs, but this time I will choose the pairs so you could associate with other students as well instead of just with some of them. Alright. Sky is with Bloom, Stella with Brandon, Flora with Helia, Tecna with Timmy, Layla with Nabu, Musa with Riven.

-Professor do I have to be with him?-pleaded Layla.

-There will be no exceptions miss Layla.-said the professor.

Layla just frowned.

Bloom and Sky, Stella and Brandon and Flora and Helia were working together and they were doing pretty good. On the other hand, Tecna and Timmy were fighting on who's right, Layla was trying to stay away from Nabu as far as possible since she hated boys, especially this one, while Musa and Riven were just fighting with no reason whatsoever.


-What are you doing you are supposed to warm up the test tube!-whispered Tecna angrily.

-I did!-defended Timmy.

-Yeah on 30 degrees!-(tecna)

-No it's supposed to be on 35 degrees!-(timmy)

-Alright, if you want to prove that you're better than me at science, then enter the science contest and if I win I'm the smartest...-said Tecna.

-...And if I win I'm the smartest!-said Timmy.

-DEAL!-they said in union and shook hands.


-Earth to Nabu!-Layla was waving her hand in front of Nabu's face.

-What? Oh sorry.-said Nabu as he started working.

-Why were you staring at me....again?-Layla said the last word quetly.

-Well um... I think you're beautiful.-said Nabu as he quckly covered his mouth realizing that he just said that out loud.

-Well i think that you don't want a black eye. Am I wright?-said Layla.

-Oh sorry.-said Nabu.


-Riven what are you doing, we are supposed to make an experiment!-said Musa.

-Chill, you'll make it on time.-said Riven.

-I? What about you you're supposed to work too!-said Musa angrily.

-This is what I usually do for science class, I pair up with Timmy , he does all the work while I just sit around.-(riven)

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