Oh, what a flour-y day!

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Chapter 6

It was another day of school for the girls, actually it was their fifth day at school, so it means it's Friday. They were walking down the hallway heading home. And just when they exited the school, and were standing at the entrance, they felt water. That's right, there were cans of water pouring down from the ceiling. And when they taught it was over, flour poured on them! It was such a disaster, especially when everyone got out of the places they were hiding in, and the ones that weren't hiding came and started laughing.

-I know it's a little late, but I didn't get the chance to tell you: Welcome to Eastwood high! Losers!-they heard Destiny laughing.

They growled and were at the verge of tears.

-What is wrong with you!-yelled Musa.

-Nothing. I just wanted to welcome the new students.-she said proudly.

Musa just started running and the others followed her lead, they went each their separate ways all wet and covered with flour. They started crying.

They saw the guys running after them, but they just started running faster and they lost them.


Bloom opened the front door of her house.

When her mother saw her she almost fainted, cuz she got scared.

-Bloom, honey! What happened are you okay?-she said worried.-Why don't you take a shower and we'll talk.

-Alright honey, sit down.-said her dad, as he and her mother sat down next to her, while her sister was sitting in front of her.

-Well-sniff-when i and the girls were leaving school we got poured by water and flour, and in front of the entire school!-she said and started crying.

-Something like that would never happen to Daphne. Oh honey-her mom said as all of them hugged her.


When Stella came home, she took a shower first, and then went to the living room to talk to her mom, she told her what happened.

-Oh mom it was horrible-she said as she hugged her and started crying.-and what's worse is that Brandon saw me like that!

-There, there honey, I'm sure he didn't laugh, right?

-No, he didn't, in fact when I ran away he started running after me, but I escaped, I didn't feel, like talking to someone.

-Maybe you can go to your room and try to cheer up?

-Ok mum.

Stella was lying in her bed when she heard a knock.

-Come in.

-Hey, Stella how are you?-she saw her dad enter the room.

-Daddy!-she squealed as she jumped in his hands.

-Hi there sunshine!-he said-Your mom told me what happened, so she taught that she should call me so I can cheer you up. So are you feeling better?

-Yes-she said as she smiled to her dad.


Flora took a shower when she got home and she told her parents the story.

-Flora we're sorry about what happened.-said her mom.

-Well I think you should tell that to the principal.-said her dad.

-I don't think he'll believe us dad, and besides that's gonna bring us even more trouble, we're fine as long as we stay away from her.-said Flora.

-But you can't let her always bully you, you have to do something about it!-her dad started to yell as her mom gave him a glare that says 'Stop it'.


When Musa came home she rushed to her room and took a shower. Then she jumped on her bed and started crying. She heard a knock. Her dad came inside.

-Musa what happened? You were white.

-It's nothing-sniff-just an accident at school, I mean just a little prank, nothing much-she tried to look and sound as calm as possible.

-If it's nothing than why are you crying?-asked her dad.-Is it that Destiny girl?

-Yes, but I'm ok don't worry. Just leave me alone.

Her dad left.

-Musa can I come in?-Musa heard Emily's voice.

-No! Just leave me alone!-she yelled.

Emily entered the room to find a crying Musa on her bed.

-I said you can't enter.-said Musa.

-I talked to your father, he taught you can talk to me, Musa I know I'm not your real mother, but give me a chance, you don't have to call me mom, or to call Shannon sister, I just want to help, and besides we care about you.-Musa was listening-You know when I got married with your father Shannon was angry. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life with a man she barely knows and has to call dad, and a girl she never saw, and has to call sister. She was crying in her room, not letting me in. But she decided to give you a chance. When she met your dad she liked him and soon she started calling him dad, as you know, and when she met you, she liked you too. She saw the pain in your eyes, she knew you've been through the same she's been, so come on give us a chance!-said Emily.

Musa just threw herself into Emily's arms. She was crying.

-Sorry. I'll give you a chance, you seem like nice people.-she smiled.

-Shannon told me what happened, her friend told her. You have friends, and together you'll get through this.-she smiled and left the room.


Tecna was in her room. She already had a shower, and talked to her parents.

She heard the door open, as she was using the computer.

-Hey, sis.-She saw Rita. Oh great what is she doing here, she taught.

-What do you want Rita.-she said angrily.

-I'm sorry for threating you badly, but that's just what I do, I mean that's what sisters are for.-she smiled-are you okay, I heard what happened.

-That's really nice of you. I'm okay. Now why don't I make this count, come here!-she said. They hugged.

-Well, I think it's enough of the sweetness, if you need me I'll be in my room making a sinister plan on how to destroy you! HAHHAHAHAHAAH-just kidding-they started laughing.


Layla went home, took a shower and told her bros and parents the story.

-Well you know honey maybe you could hang out with that boy, Nabu.-said her dad

-Well, that's settled, now how about a game of basketball. Boys vs. girls!-said Layla.

The guys were already out warming up.

-Honey are you sure you're okay?-asked her mom, concerned.

-Honestly?-no. But I'm not alone in this, we're all in this together. Me and my friends, we'll handle it.-she said as she smiled.

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