Full moon

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Chapter 9


Bloom came back from school smiling, she went inside. She was still excited about her date with Sky, although she still hasn't told her friends.

-Hey mom, hey dad!

-Oh hey Bloom.-said her dad.

-Where's Daphne?

-She's still at college, she's finishing her last exams. Bloom honey, why can't you be more like your sister, you will never get to a college like hers you need to study more!-said her mom.

-Mom I am studying!

-But not enough! You need to study more. Your sister would always listen to me and what I say!

-But mom I do listen to you!-yelled Bloom.-I want to tell you something.

-What is it now Bloom?-asked her mom.

-Well, Sky asked me out on a date, this Friday 6:00.-said Bloom, scared to find out her parents reaction.

-What, but you're too young to date!-said her father.-Daphne would never do that.

-Honey calm down. It's ok Bloom you can go. But remember, if you want to be like your sister, you should give up on dating for now.-said her mom.

-That's it! I am sick and tired of you guys always comparing me with Daphne, it's always Daphne, Daphne, Daphne...Do you love her more than me?!-Bloom yelled angrily and ran to her room.

Her parents just stood there speechless.

Bloom was still angry as she went to bed.

'Ugh why can't they for once love me for me, and for who I'm not!'-she taught.

'I wish my parents would stop comparing me with Daphne!'-she taught as she fell asleep. She was sleeping and the moon was high in the sky. Suddenly the little fire symbol from her bracelet started glowing...


Stella was in front of the door from her house. She heard yelling 'Dad's here'-she taught. Her parents were always fighting when together (as I mentioned a few chapters before).

-Hey everyone!-she said as she entered, but her parents didn't stop. Her brother came up to her.

-What's going on Jamie?-she asked.

-Dad came an hour ago, he wanted to take us to dinner to treat us for a raise he got at work, but mum didn't let him, because she said he can only be with us on weekends, birthdays, and if she decides.-answered Jamie.

-Typical. Wanna go to my room, watch a movie or something?-she asked.


She went to bed as the moon was up high in the sky. 'I wish my parents would go back together' taught Stella as she fell asleep. The little sun symbol from the bracelet started glowing.....


Flora was writing her homework as she heard her phone beeping. She unlocked it and she saw she has a Facebook notification. It was a video, the video of the flour prank. She sighed.

She went to bed. 'I wish everyone can forget about that incident.' She taught. The moon was in the sky, as the flower shaped symbol form her bracelet started glowing....


Musa went downstairs for dinner. Everyone was already at the table.

-Hey everyo..... Shannon! Why are you wearing my pants!-Musa yelled.

-Sorry Musa, but they are soo beautiful, I will bring them back tomorrow, I promise.-she said.

Musa ate her dinner as fast as possible, and rushed back to her room.

It was a full moon.

She went to bed, she loved looking at the full, moon, cuz like that she felt that her mom is watching her from up there.

-Good night mom.-she said.

Then she remembered Shannon and got angry again. 'I just wish Shannon would stop borrowing my clothes!' she taught. As she fell asleep, the little music note symbol on the bracelet started glowing.....


Tecna was about to get on her bed, when she saw there was spaghetti sauce all over it.

-Rita!-she yelled as loud as possible. Her mom came in the room along with Rita who was giggling.

-Tecna why are you yelling?!-she asked angrily.

-Look what she's done this time!-said Tecna.

-Oh my goodness! Rita how can you do that!-said her mom-That's it, Tecna you're gonna sleep in Rita's room tonight, and Rita you're sleeping here until you clean that!

-NO!-they both said.

-She can't sleep here!-said Tecna-She will mess up my room!

-Alright then, Tecna can sleep here on the ground, and Rita will wash this tomorrow!-said their mom as she left along with Rita.

Tecna lied down on the ground, on the covers. 'I wish my sister could be nicer...for once.' she taught. She fell asleep. Outside was a full moon, and suddenly the little web ball symbol on her bracelet started glowing.....


Layla just finished her dinner, as she was heading upstairs she bumped her leg into something really heard and she fell. Her brothers came to help her up.

-What happened Layla are you ok?-asked Rick (one of the brothers, I wrote their names in chapter 1)

-What happened is that I hit my leg from this weight lifter!-she yelled angrily-There are weight lifters, balls and all kin of sports equipment all around the house! As much as I like sport, this HAS to be cleaned up!-she yelled.

-Calm down honey, I'm sure it's just a scratch.-said her mom.

-Arghhh!-yelled Layla scared at the way her leg looked like. It had a big cut and her leg was all bloody.-Just a scratch ha mom?

-Oh my honey, I, I think it's broken!-said her mom after she cleaned the wound.

-Great, now I can't play for the basketball team, I can't walk, AND I can't go to the talent show!-she yelled frustrated as she tried walking towards her room.-Help, I can't get up the stairs-she said.

Her oldest brother carried her bridal style to her room.

-Thank bro!-she said.

-No problem, besides you are my little sister.-he smiled and left the room.

'I'd do anything to get better. I wish my leg isn't broken' she taught as she drifted off to sleep.

The moon was up in the sky. And suddenly the little water drop symbol from the bracelet started glowing....

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