The poster

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Chapter 8

As the girls entered the school, they could hear whispers around them, stares and people pointing at them, some were even laughing.


-What happened?

-Are you ok?

-We heard you met Destiny at the café.

-Way to go Stella, you stood up to her!

-We wanted to call you but we couldn't find your numbers!

They heard a bunch of male voices from behind. They turned around to see the Speciallists.

Huge smiles appeared on their faces.

-Hey guys!-said Bloom happily.

-Well, what happened? You left running after the prank, and we followed you, but we lost you!-said Sky worriedly.

-Well, after the prank we were angry and embarrassed. We didn't feel like talking, so we rushed home and lost you in the process.-explained Bloom.

-What about the incident at the cafeteria?-asked the guys. Musa felt a little embarrassed and blushed as she lowered her head.

The girls saw that so they decided not to tell anything before asking her.

-How do you know about that?-asked Layla,

-The whole school knows!-said Helia.

-So that is why they're whispering?-said Tecna.

-Yeah. By the way, way to go Stella, everyone's talking about that.-said Brandon as he shook both of her hands. She slightly blushed.

-Stella?! What did you do?-asked the girls who didn't know what happened.

-Well, I may have or may have not poured a little coffee on her...-said Stella while playing with her hair.

-Stella!-yelled the girls as they all hugged her-We are so proud of you!-they said as they all started laughing.


The girls were heading towards the cafeteria.

-Hey look at that!-said Stella pointing at a poster.

Tecna started reading:


The talent show is in 2 months in November.

Anyone with any talent such as singing, dancing, magic tricks...etc. can join the talent show. Sign up here and be part of the show. You can perform as a group, or as a solo, duo or trio.

The winner/s of the talent show can get a small scholarship for any school they want.

Signing up is until October, when you sign up you will be called by the music teacher Miss. Chatam. So she can tell you the schedule and give you some tips.

Sign up here:

Thank you for signing up!

The girls were staring at the poster.

-So what do you say?!-asked Stella.

-I don't know Stella, I mean what are we gonna do?-asked Bloom.

-Think about it. This is a way we can get back at Destiny without becoming like her.-said Stella.

-Well, that is a good idea....but what if she doesn't sign up?-said Musa.

-Make space losers! What are you losers looking at!? You don't think of signing up, do you? Cuz if you do, just to make it clear you don't stand a chance!-said Destiny as she went through the crowd and signed her name on the list.

-Well, that makes it easier for us. I'm in.-said Flora.

-You can count on me.-said Musa.

-Sure why not?-said Tecna and Layla.

-Ok I'll come.-said Bloom

-Great!-said Stella as she signed them up.

They went at the cafeteria.

-Hey what are you up to?-said Brandon when he saw the girls giggling.

-Oh nothing-said Stella still giggling. They were giggling because they were talking about the boys on the way back.

-Alright, so are you gonna tell us about the coffee shop incident?-asked Timmy.

-We were at the coffee shop, Destiny started teasing on us and we left. After we left I paid and poured the leftovers from my coffee on Destiny.-said Stella, leaving out the part when Destiny insulted Musa.

Musa mouthed a 'thanks' to her.

-So what were you doing in the hallway, you were looking at something on the notice board.-said Nabu.

-Oh, we just signed up for the talent show.-said Layla.

-So what are you gonna perform?-asked Nabu.

-We haven't talked about it yet, but I think singing?-said Musa.

-Ok, then singing it is.-said Bloom.

The bell rang and everyone went for their classrooms. Bloom was the last one from the girls going out, when she felt someone holding her wrist.

-Hold on Bloom.-she heard someone. She turned around to see Sky.

-What is it hurry up we're gonna be late for class!-said Bloom.

-Well, I've been meaning to ask you this from the moment I saw you, I really like you and... would you like to go out with me?-asked Sky scaredly.

Bloom smiled.

-Sure I would love to!-she said.-Now let's hurry up or we'll be late for class!-she said as they rushed out of the cafeteria.

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