The fight

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The girls were walking towards the cafeteria.

-Man i'm starving!-complained Stella.

-Well here's the food-a girl nicely told them-Hey Musa i see you made some friends.

-Oh, hey-said Musa annoyed.

-You know this girl-whispered Flora.

-Yeah, guys this is my step-sister Shannon. Shannon these are my friends Bloom, Stella, Flora, Layla and Tecna.

-Well nice to meet you, i guess i'll see you around-she happily said as she left.

-We'll be right there, were just getting some napkins-Bloom told the girls. She and Stella went to get napkins, and when they turned around they bumped into someone.

-Hey watch where...

-Sorry didn't see ya there-said Stella.

They both looked up and when they saw the guys they blushed.

-No, it's ok we didn't see where we're going. My name is Sky.

-And i'm Brandon.

-My name's Stella and this is Bloom. Nice to meet you.

-Oh, you're the newbies from English class.-said Brandon as he chuckled.

Sky lightly hit him.

-Well, it was pretty embarassing-mumbled Bloom.

-No, no it was funny, i mean just like the movies. And since you interrupted the class, you already got a few fans.-he joked.

-Ha ha, well... um...i guess we'll see you 'round.-said Bloom

-See ya.

-Hey who were those boys ha?-(layla)

-Oh that was Brandon and Sky.-answered Bloom

-New and already got a crush, well sweetie enjoy it while you can, 'cause there's no way you get those boys. They are ours, all six of them-they heard a voice from behind.

They turned around to see a girl with a long straight blonde hair along with five other girls behind her looking just like her, but with some small differences.

-The name's Destiny, as in destiny to rule. I am the ruler of the school.

- Yeah, she like rules

-Shut it-she whispered to one of the wanna-bees that said that(wanna-bees are her five "friends" that do everything like her and follow her around, kinda like the Beta girls from season 3).

-Excuse me, but who made you the ruler of the school?!-yelled Layla.

That got everyone's attention and they all turned around to see the upcoming fight.

-I am the ruler of the school, everyone knows that.-she said as she angrily sprayed Layla with juice. That made Musa react.

-Hey you better treat my friends with respect or else you'll have to deal with me!

Destiny just smirked and sprayed her with juice too.

-Ups, clumsy me. Are you gonna cry now?!-everyone started laughing.

-Come on Musa, she just made herself an appointment with destiny.-Layla mocked.

She and Musa charged towards Destiny, and they were just about to hit her when Bloom and Tecna held Musa's hands and Stella and Flora held Layla's hands.

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