Chapter 6

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"So let me get this straight. You guys found an underground cabin that a killer is living in and you didn't bother go tell us?!" Harry yelled, making me flinched.

"Look Styles, it wasn't Hazel's fault. Don't yell at her." Drew spoke up, making me frown.

"No it was my fault. I should've told you. All of you. I'm sorry." I quickly apologized.

Harry sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well now Tara is dead. Along with Mrs. Evans. So who ever is hiding out in that cabin is probably going to kill more. What did you say you found again? What that paper said?"

"It said when I am done there will be none." I replied hoarsely with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ok, so obviously whoever it is isn't done..." He trailed off as he began pacing back and forth. "We gotta get off this island then."

"No sh*t, Sherlock." Drew grumbled, making me elbow him in the side.

"We have to go tell the others." I spoke quickly, earning a nod from Harry.

I grabbed Drew's hand, dragging him behind me as I followed Harry down to the beach. The others had buried Tara, along with Mrs. Evans.

Everyone had tears in their eyes except Layla. She looked mad.

"Um..." Harry began as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "We have something to tell you."

Everyone looked up at us wide wide eyes. No one was crying anymore except Tyler. I swallowed hard as I walked up beside Harry.

"I found a cabin in the woods the other day. We think that um...there may be a killer here with us and they're hiding out there." I spoke quietly due to the stinging tears in the back of my throat.

"Y-you knew?" Tyler began quietly with narrowed eyes. "You knew and didn't tell us?! Now Tara is dead because of you!"

I let a single tear escape from the corner of my eye. I slowly shook my head as Drew came to stand closer by me.

"I'm so sorry, Tyler." I breathed out shakily.

"Just stay the h*ll away from me." He snapped at me with hatred in his eyes.

I quickly pushed past Drew and Harry, running out towards the woods. I held my head in my hands as I cried more. Tyler was right, it was all my fault.

I slumped down on a large tree stump as I continued to sob silently. I felt someone brush up against me.

"Go away, Drew." I grumbled as I hastily wiped my tears away.

"It's not Drew, virgin." I heard a raspy voice sigh.

I peeked over at him from in between my fingers, glancing down at his smirk. He tilted his head at me as I continued to stare.

"Why'd you come?" I asked curiously as I finished wiping away all my tears.

He just shrugged slightly. "Dunno. I just felt like it."

I snorted as I ran a hand through my hair. "You don't have to act cool all the time, you know."

He bit his lip, glancing down at his feet that past mine on the ground. I titled my head to look at him.

"I don't like seeing people cry. It makes me feel weird." He muttered, making me smile.

"Thanks, curly." I croaked out, making him peer up at me through his curls. "So now what?"

"I think..." He trailed off as he bit his lip again. "I think you should show me that cabin you were talking about."

I hesitantly agreed to his suggestion. I slowly stood up, leading him towards the spot. It didn't take long to get to the circle of tree stumps where the trap door was hidden in the middle.

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