Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of quiet sobs. I sat up and glanced around while rubbing my groggy eyes.

I was still on the beach, on Harry's blanket. My eyes widened as I realized he was no where around.

I quickly stood to my feet, spinning around and calling his name. I shut up when I heard the sobs grow louder.

I bit down on my lip as I walked up towards the cabin closet to the beach. I saw Harry inside, his back facing the door.

I walked inside, my feet brushing against the dirt dusted wood. I sat down beside him on the old mattress. He sniffed violently before peering up at me through his curls.

His eyes were all red and puffy. I reached up, rubbing my thumb under his swollen eyelids. His plump lips parted slightly.

"Why are you crying?" I whispered softly with furrowed brows.

His hand shot up, wrapping gently around my wrist. More tears flowed from his eyes as he rubbed shaky circles into my pale, delicate skin.

"I don't want anyone else to die...I-I..."

"Harry, what happened?"

His eyes filled with more tears as he looked up at me. A painfully sad expression flashed across his face.

"I had a dream...and everyone was...I..." He just couldn't talk as he began bawling again.

"Harry, please." I softly pleading, holding his shaky body in my short arms. I rubbed my hand over his broad back, trying to calm him down. "It was just a nightmare, everyone is fine. Plus, it's Halloween. I think we're all going to have nightmares..."

"No one is fine, Hazel..." He pulled back from me, wiping his eyes violently. "Non of us are safe here."

"I know. But there's nothing we can do until someone comes, ok? What we need is a plan to stop whoever is doing this."

Harry only shook his head, a dark expression now flushed over his distraught one. His eyes grew a light brown.

"You will fail."


"He's just emotionally unstable." Liam whispered to me as I crossed my arms.

I glanced down at Harry, admiring his peaceful features as he slept. I reached down to brush a curl from his eyes.

"When you're stuck somewhere with few people, you go mad. Slowly, but surely. I think he's just a bit foggy in the mind right now."

"I'm scared, Liam..." I spoke quietly, making him sigh deeply.

"I know. I don't think anyone isn't. But he's going to be ok, he's not ill or anything." He just shrugged slightly before pressing the back of his hand to Harry's forehead. "He's perfectly fine."

I stayed with my arms crossed, staring down at him with a worried expression. Liam quickly brushed past me, leaving us alone.

I sighed, sitting down on the bed next to him. I picked at a string from the hole in my jeans.

"You know...I just wanted to come here because I was curious. Everyone gets curious. I never thought that anything like this was going to happen...I didn't mean for anything to go wrong like it did. I feel like it's my fault that people are I will go out. I will confront him...and I will kill him."

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