Chapter 15

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"So what's the plan?" Liam asked as he handed Niall a bag of Doritos.

"What plan?" Harry mumbled, resting his head in his large hands.

"The killer is going to come for Zayn. You know, to finish the...job. We can set a trap or something."

Louis rolled his eyes with a small shrug. "Chill, Scooby."

Drew snorted from beside me, earning an elbow in the side and a scowl.

"Well I don't see you getting off your *rse to do anything!" Liam yelled as he stood up from the table.

"Can you just stop? All of you! Zayn is dead. If we don't figure out something soon, we'll all be dead with him." I spoke up as I slammed a hand down against the wooden table.

It was then that Tyler walked into the large cabin. I was the only one who noticed him as he sat down with us. Tyler...I forgot about him.

Something shining caught my eye, making my head turn slightly. I noticed the knife blade sticking out of his jacket. My eyes snapped up to meet his that were staring right back at me.

With his eyes still on mine, he slowly pulled his jacket over the small amount of blade sticking out for anyone to see.

Everyone else was talking about creating some plan, even Layla was contributing slightly. I couldn't even understand a muffled word they said as I couldn't look away from Tyler.

He kept his cold stare on me, only making it harder to break our gaze. My eyes widened as he ever so slowly shaked his head no as he glared back at me with dark eyes.

My teeth clenched as a small smirk lifted his crooked smile. But it was gone as fast as it came. He abruptly stood up and made his way back outside.

The others glanced up at him but brushed it off and continued talking about a plan.

I tilted my head slightly and slowly stood up myself. I mumbled something like, I have to use the restroom, and made my way out to where Tyler had disappeared.

He was stood with his back pressed against the blue cabin, along with a hand in his jacket. I walked up to him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?"

He glanced up at me with wide eyes. "I'm not doing anything."

"Really?" I stood with a hand on my hip. "I don't believe you. What's that in your pocket?"

"I-I don't..."

"I already saw it. Show it to me now or I'll go get the others." I threatened with a blank face, watching him closely.

He sighed as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a shiny dagger. I took a small step back with wide eyes.

"What are you doing with that?"

"I was just checking it out. This is the knife Layla stabbed Harry with. I found out that it's also the one the killer who, you know...killed a bunch of people here years ago used."

My eyebrows slowly furrowed as I looked down to the sharp object. I squinted my eyes through the dark night sky to try and read the words engraved on the blade.

"Here." He handed it to me, making me gasp in surprise. "I can't read what it says. I can't find anything else on it."

I frowned unsurely at him before lifting the knife up so I could try and read what was carved into the cool sharp weapon.

All I could make out was V  E  A. I rubbed my fingernail in the deep groove of the unreadable letters, trying to clear up some dirt and rust.

I bit down on my lip as I managed to uncover one more. I kept working on it, feeling Tyler's eyes staring at the side of my head. I watched my fingers work at it intently as I could still hear distant voices from the others.

I didn't feel unsafe with Tyler. Although I really didn't trust him or necessarily like him, if he wanted to kill me, he would've already done it.

I let out a small gasp as I finished clearing up the word. Vereiha.

I slowly shook my head as my arm fell to my side with the knife still clutched tightly in my sweaty palm.

I'm guessing that the word Vereiha has a deeper meaning to it than the name of a camp. I turned to Tyler, waiting for him to say anything. He just dumbly stared back at me.

"I hope you're telling the truth, Tyler. I hope you really just did have this for research." I muttered before pushing past him.

I walked to the pink cabin and slumped down on the bottom bunk of my bed with my laptop beside me. I quickly pulled it over on my lap, lifting up the screen.

I typed in the word Vereiha and went to Google's foreign language translations. Since I knew the word wasn't in the English vocabulary, I figured it would be in some other language's.

(It actually is in another language but I can't remember which one, oops. So we gonna just say Latin.)

I scrolled down a bunch of translations in English that didn't make sense until I came upon something...seomthing in particular that made my eyes widen in shock.

My stomach tighten into a knot as my jaw slacked slightly. My eyebrows raised and my fingers slowly brushed over the laptop mousepad.

The Latin translation of Vereiha was...

Blood lust.


Wow that was a lot to write since I'm really tired lol.

Y'all should check out the show Z Nation on Netflix. It's really good, it's kinda like The Walking Dead but a lot funnier.

Anyways, I'm super exhausted so I'll see y'all tomorrow. Should we do a character Q&A for this book?


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