Chapter 16

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**There's a Q&A at the end of this chapter**

"Blood lust?" Louis asked, his nose scrunching up in disgust.

"That's what the translation said, yeah." I mumbled as I ran a hand through my long brown hair, peering over at Harry who was sitting next to Niall.

He was pale. More than usual...he looked sick, almost. I frowned at the thought but quickly forgot about it once his eyes met mine.

"This is all just so f*cked up. I want it to be over...s'making me exhausted." He murmured before letting his head drop down to rest on the wooden table.

I sighed lightly as Niall rubbed soft circles into his back. We were all sick of it. Of all the sorrow and frustration. We just wanted to know who was doing this, more than anything.

"We just have to stick together. No one go anywhere alone." Liam began, looking from me to everyone else. "If we do that, we'll be ok...hopefully."

"Unless...the killer is one of us." Tyler began with a dark chuckle. "It is, isn't it? They're here, posing as our friend. They're hiding...playing their own sick game. I'll play, then. We'll all play."

Drew shifted closer to me anxiously. My eyes widened as Tyler licked his lips, his eyes boring into mine. Liam and Louis stared back at him in confusion.

Harry still had his head down and Niall was looking around nervously. Layla was at the end of the table with her head in her hands. She only rolled her eyes at the strange situation. In the blink of an eye, Tyler shot up from the table with a gun in his hand.

"Everybody, get the f*ck up!" He yelled, making us all hesitantly jump up. "Now put your hands up so I can tell you what the h*ll we're gonna do."

I stared straight at his angry face as I slowly lifted my hands into the air. His gun was aimed right at me.

Harry was now looking normal and fully aware of the situation. He was standing opposite of me, behind Tyler. I could feel him starting into the side of my head but didn't dare steal a glance.

"Tyler, please...put the gun down, mate." Louis began, only to get the gun aimed at him.

"You shut the f*ck up! Everyone, don't speak!"

Layla whined quietly as she shifted slightly in her heels. Tyler aimed the gun at her, making her eyes go wide in shock. I bit my lip, my stomach filling with butterflies of anxiety.

"Tyler..." I began in a hushed whisper, causing him to flinch and cock his gun. "You have to realize what your doing. We're your friends, you don't want to hurt any of us. Please, just put the gun down and let's talk."

"I don't want to f*cking talk! What we're going to do is we're gonna pick someone." He began with a crooked smile, along with a throaty laugh. "Pick someone to give the the a peace offering. You see, if we get on his good side, we'll all be ok."

He laughed again, making my head tilt to the side. Insanity got to this one fast. I slowly shook my head, watching as he turned to face Niall.

"You..." He began, pointing the heavy metal right at the blonde boy's soft chest. "You'll do just fine. Someone, grab him."

We all stood still, glancing around at each other. Tyler's nostrils flared in anger as he lifted the gun. Two gun shots rang through the large room, causing me to flinch.

Layla screamed as everyone else gasped. He had only shot the ceiling but Niall was shaking in fear.

"I said grab him, godd*mmit!"

Again, everyone stayed still. Except for me, that is. I slowly took a step forward, and like I expected, Tyler spun around with his gun out in front of him.

"Don't take another step, or I will shoot." He threatened, making my stomach drop.

I held a hand out in front of me, making his eyes flicker down to it. His hand that was holding the gun lowered slightly before lifting right back up.

I managed to walk closer to his trembling figure. He was shaking in both anger and fear. I was only two feet away from him.

"Killing us won't make it better, Tyler. What do you think sacrificing Niall is going to do, anyways? Please, give me the gun. I promise, it'll be ok. You just have to give me the gun." I whispered with pleading eyes.

I watched as his eyes filled with tears that slowly cascaded down his sweaty face. The gun began to shake with his hand as he stared back at me with an almost painful expression. To my surprise, he tilted to gun back towards himself and opened his mouth.

I lunged forward with my arms outstretched. "Tyler, no!"

Everything was happening in slow motion. I heard screams from behind me watched as his eyes shut painfully slow.

His eyebrows knotted together as tears brimmed my eyes. Just as my fingers brushed against the cold metal, he pressed down on the trigger.

Then everything happened all too fast. Blood splattered on the white wall as he fell to the ground with a loud thud.
I felt all wet and sticky but it was until I looked down at myself that I realized I was covered in blood.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared down at his lifeless body. His once pain filled face was now peaceful. His head was lulled to the side and his fingers weakly held the gun. His finger was still on the trigger.

Everyone stayed completely still and the only sound heard throughout the whole island was my violent sobs.


Poor Tyler...this was quite an emotional chapter lol.

I know y'all are waiting for the character Q&A so here it is:

Q: Drew, who do you suspect the killer is?
A: Honestly, I have no idea. I'd hate to think that it's one of my friends...

Q: Harry, do you like Hazel?
A: Maybe...she makes me feel like it's all ok. Like we're not on some killer island.

Q: Hazel, do you like Harry?
A: Kinda...I think so. I mean...yes, I do.

Q: Hazel, if there was one thing you could do after knowing that you have a possibility of dying, what would it be?
A: I would want to talk to my grandma. Or find out who the killer is. Or maybe...address my feelings for Harry.

Q: Niall, where were you when Zayn was killed?
A: I was with Drew. We were in the main cabin with the others.

Q: Louis, if you could choose anyone from the camp of the people you are with to be the killer, who do you think it is?
A: D*mn, gotta hit me with the hard question...I don't really want to think about that because everyone I'm with on this island is my friend...I can't pick...because I don't believe anyone would do such a thing.

Q: Hazel and Harry, have you ever been in love? If not, do you want to be?
A/Hazel: I have not but I would like to. It's something I've dreamt of since I was little. Hearing the story of my parents has inspired me all my life.
A/Harry: I haven't...although, I think I'd like to be. Even though I'm not it the best situation right now, maybe I will 'fall in love'.

So there y'all go! That's all the questions and everyone's answers. Also, just a quick FYI, there's only going to be 32 chapters in this book.:)


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