Chapter 12

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Harry's grip tightened around my waist as I silently sobbed into his chest. He ran his fingers through my sweat matted hair, trying to get me to calm down.

"Angel, please. Talk to me." He begged as he pulled me even closer to him.

"H-Harry..." I whimpered, not even caring that Layla was staring daggers into my back. "He said D-Drew is next..."

"I know, we know...we heard. Drew's fine Hazel, please. It's ok." He cooed as he pressed soft kisses to the top of my head.

"No! He's not ok!" I pulled away from him with red eyes. "Were not ok, none of us are. We're all going to die here." I whispered weakly.

"Hazel..." Niall whimpered from behind me, only making me cry harder.

I stared down at my feet as more tears rolled down my face and neck. I winced as I felt a strong pair of arms pick me up bridal style.

I glanced up through blurry tears to see brown eyes. But...with brown curls.

"Harry?" I whispered, making him nod slowly.

"I'll take you to the nurse's cabin. Please, stop crying." His voice seemed to of deepen a bit. He was upset.

I only nodded as he glared over at Layla who tapped his shoulder. She smacked her teeth with arms crossed over her chest.

"You're just going to leave me and take her?" She snapped at him, making his hold around me tighten too hard.

I winced through clenched teeth as I tried to pull out of his grip, but to no avail.

"Yes. I'd rather be any where else than with you. Without you constantly pushing yourself onto me while we're in this situation. It's time to get serious and stop being such a sl*t, don't you think?"

He snapped and walked away with me, leaving her with wide eyes. She stared back at me in hatred.

Niall and Drew watched us walk out from the table they were sitting at, along with Zayn. Liam and Louis sat together, trying to get Layla to calm down and not be so petty.

I buried my face in Harry's chest, wetting his black shirt with my salty tears.

"It's ok, baby girl. Almost there." He whispered in my ear, making me smile to myself.

I noticed that he called me both angel and baby girl...for some reason I think I preferred angel. Just because of the way it fell from his lips, I guess.

"Harry, I'm sorry." I whispered as we entered the dark cabin and he laid me down on the large nurse's bed.

"Why would you be sorry?" He asked with a small smirk, making me sigh.

"I'm such a mess about all of this. It effects us all the same and here I am crying like a big baby." I mutter harshly, making his eyes widen.

"Don't you dare ever say that!" His voice raised and deepened, making my head snap up in surprise. He took notice from my shocked face as his features softened just a bit. "Please, I don't like it."

I nodded in understanding. He sighed, running a hand through his luscious chocolate curls. He muttered something under his breath as he began walking towards the door.

"No!" I sat up in the bed with my arm outstretched. "Please stay. I really don't want to be alone. You can lay with me?"

A smirk replaced his frown as he climbed in next to me. "I was only pacing, baby girl." He pressed the softest kiss to my temple, making a blush paint my pale cheeks.

"Why do you call me that, Harry?"

"Call you what?" He glanced over at me in confusion with wide green eyes.

I reached over to start playing with the dog tag around his neck. "Baby girl." I murmured, trying best to avoid eye contact.

"I-oh...because it's cute, I guess." He frowned to himself, looking down at his hands that were intertwined on his stomach.

"And angel?"

His tight frowned turned into a lopsided smile as he peered back over at me. "Because it suits you. Very well, I might add."

I smiled back at him before staring up at the ceiling with a long sigh. "Why is it that even though we're stranded on an island and there's a killer trying to murder us all, that I feel safe around you?"

A soft chuckle came from his natural plump red lips. "That's funny...because even though we're stranded on an island and there's a killer trying to murder us all, I feel normal around you."

I turned my head to gaze into his bright emerald eyes. "Normal?"

A quick breath escaped his parted lips as he turned back to stare up at the ceiling. "You know, normal. Like I can have fun and laugh. Forget about the situation we're in."

"Yeah..." I thought to myself with furrowed eyebrows. "You know, we haven't been too good to each other. When we first met, you hated me."

He nodded with a knowing look in his eyes. "You're quite right about that. How about..." He shifted on his side so he was facing me. I did the same with a confused smile. He reached his hand out, giving me time to examine the rings cluttering his slender fingers. "I'm curly."

A soft giggle from my parted lips filled the cold air around us. I reached out to take his warm hand in mine.

"I'm virgin."

He laughed along with me, showing of his dimples that made me pull my bottom lip in between my teeth.

I reached out to poke his left one, making his eyebrows furrow. "Have you ever tried putting a skittle in that?"

"What? Why the h*ll would I put a skittle in my dimple?"

I just shrugged. "Or an M&M. I'm not picky." I yawned loudly as he chuckled quietly.

"Of course you're not." He mumbled to himself, shaking his head at himself.

I grinned as I took in a sharp breath, about to speak once more. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes widened as a loud scream pierced the air.

"H-H..." I stuttered, unable to even speak properly as he shot up straight.

He looked down at me with narrowed brown eyes. "Stay here. Don't follow me." He muttered through clenched teeth as he stood up, running to the door.

I heard him calling out the other's names as his voice kept getting farther away.

I noticed how his eye color darkened a lot. Because of strong emotions, I figured. He showed his feelings through his eyes.

I heard more screams, making me gasp loudly and sit up in bed. One more scream and my breathing hitched in realization.

The screams were coming towards the nurse's cabin.


Make sure y'all check out the chapter I just posted for Toxic<3

I feel so miserable and I have to go to school, like I can't let myself not. But whenever I stand up I feel like I'm going fall over and pass out.

I also have to walk like half a mile at school two times a day, there and back so that's like two miles and I know I can't do that so I'm trying to get better.

How have y'all been? Are you sick too? And what'd you think of this chapter?;)


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