Chapter 17

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Harry came walking up behind me, making me quickly dry my tears. He slumped down next to me on the sandy beach.

The sky was grey and the ocean's waves were roaring loudly with excitement. I shoved my hands in my coat pockets, refusing to make eye contact with him.

The strong wind blew his chestnut curls back over his shoulders. I sniffed lightly, causing him to sigh.

"You can't stay silent forever, you know." He spoke softly, making me glance sideways at him.

"Why not?" I grumbled, reaching up to rub my pink nose.

"Because I want to talk to you. And I'll be sad if you don't talk back." I peered up at him to find him pouting.

A small smile replaced my tight frown. "Ok, ok. What'd you wanna talk about?"

"About you. We don't know much about each other. About our pasts, I mean." He smiled, showing off his dimples.

"Well...I'm sure you know about my parents," I began, earning a small nod. "I've never met them so it's hard to say that I miss them. But I really wish I knew them, you know? I know I'm not the only one that grew up without parents.

But it's hard to imagine someone else living like this. A lot of days I'd come downstairs to find my grandma drinking and smoking. She'd just...she'd never stop. It was a never ending cycle.

I'd have to help her to bed every night. I still have to watch her die. Day after day, she looks more ill. I love her, she's all I've ever had. We're poor and we only get money from the government to have a small house.

We aren't the best financially or relationship wise, but it's ok. It's all I know, anyways. We're not happy, though and that's really all that matters.

She started these bad habits when my mom died. Every time she drinks, she says things she doesn't remember the next day. But I know she means them. She tells me how much she misses my mother. Then she says how she wishes it was me instead of her.

How she wouldn't care what happened to me, as long as she had her baby. I grew up knowing that I was unloved. I mean, I know she cares about me, but only because of my mother. She doesn't love me.

We say 'I love you' to each other, but those are just words. They don't have to have any meaning behind them. Anyways, besides all of that, I've lived in one house all my life.

I wasn't allowed outside without my grandma. I was homeschooled and was never left alone. I had to convince her for three years to let me come here.

I guess she knew what she was talking about, though. I mean, look at us. I'm probably not gonna make it back to her at the end of this summer."

"Don't say that." Harry mumbled, making my eyes snap up to meet his.

"I've always wanted to be a give someone what I couldn't have. But I don't think I'll be able to do that now." I chuckled bitterly as I drew shapes into the sand with two fingers.

"You will be able to have that, Hazel. You're going to get off this island. I'll make sure of it."

I looked up at those warm emerald eyes. "What about Layla? Are you sure she'll be ok?" I asked rather sourly.

"I don't know...and I don't care." He whispered, making my head tilt slightly. "We're not together. And I couldn't care less."

"What do you want, Harry?"

"I want to be free and happy. I want to get off this island. I've wanted to get off this d*mn island for so lo-since we got here. Since I came back." He muttered with a short sigh. "And I want you to be happy. I want to make you feel how you make me feel."

"What's that?" I whispered with furrowed eyebrows.

"You make me forget. About...everything. It's weird. I've never been able to ignore everything. But now I can. I never thought...I just never imagined..." He kept cutting himself off, staring down at his lap in frustration.

"I know you're not used to this, Harry." I chuckled softly. "But I know what you mean."

He smiled slightly, leaning against his hand. "Good. I've only ever had Layla. Which has not been pleasant, let me tell you. It was only a physical relationship that lasted two years. D*mn, that's such a god awful long time."

He ran a hand down his face, giving me time to move over and kneel in front of him. When he reopened his eyes, they widened in surprise.

"I don't know what I expected when I came here...I didn't want a good time, or fun memories, or even friends. I just wanted to see where my parents fell in love. I wanted to be where I was born. It was a stupid idea, now that I think about it. I guess curiosity just got the better of me."

"No, it's not stupid." He mumbled with a small frown. "I totally get that. I'd want to come here too, honestly. It's only natural...and you can't really control your curiosity, Angel."

I couldn't help but blush from the pet name. "Thanks, Harry."

He just shook his head slightly with a small laugh. I glanced back up at him, looking at his green eyes as they turned a light brown. They were filled with something I couldn't quite decipher.

"Thank you..." He flashed me a small smile, making my lips curl up. "For making everything seem ok."


Not a lot happened this chapter, but I promise tomorrow's will be quite action packed!

I'm really tired, it's exactly 1:50 where I am. What time is it where you live?

I'm only a night owl on weekends if I'm watching a movie or writing. On weekdays, I have to tell myself to go to bed.

Is that what it's like for y'all as well?


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