Chapter 8

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"Well maybe-" Drew stopped mid sentence as Niall plopped down next to him in the sand.

His eyes widened as he was still staring back at me. I chuckled to myself, pulling my feet up out of the water.

"Hey Ni." I greeted with a small smile, watching him bite into the sandwich he had made.

"Oh hey Hazel. Drew." He spoke with the sweetest smile- like always.

A blush crept over Drew's cheeks, making me smirk at him. He glared at me before turning to face Niall.

Before he could speak, Niall's attention turned to Louis who ripped his shirt of to dive into the ocean. He bit his lip before turning back to face Drew and I.

"Sorry. Got distracted." He mumbled with pink cheeks.

"Niall...are you-" I began with furrowed eyebrows.

"Bi?" He finished for me with a little smile. "Yes, I am."

A huge grin spread across my face as I wiggled my eyebrows subtly at Drew. He hung his head low, letting his long hair hide his face. Niall noticed this and frowned.

"Drew? Are you alright?" He gently set a hand on his back, causing his eyes to widen. "Are you...?"

Drew immediately stood up and ran off into the large cabin. I glanced at Niall in confusion before running after him.

"Drew? Drew?!" I called out for him until I heard quiet sobs coming from the bathroom.

I pushed the door open, finding him with his back facing me. He gripped the sides of the sink hard as the water ran loudly. He splashed some on his face before wiping a few stray tears away.

I slowly walked up next to him, causing him to turn his head away from me with his jaw clenched. I frowned slightly before setting my hand on his shoulder.

"He doesn't know. He doesn't know that I'm transgender. He came here last year when I was really me. He just thinks everyone calls me tranny because I'm gay. Everyone else thinks he knows. He felt my bra, Laurie. He-he probably knows." He cried out, still not even glancing my way.

"Drew..." I began softly with a small frown. "What are you afraid of?"

"Disappointment, judgement, rejection, take your pick." He spoke firmly with a look of disgust as he stared down into the sink.

"What about acceptance?" I asked as I took a step closer to him.

He finally peered up at me as a tear ran down his cheek. "I've never gotten that before."

"Yes you have. From me. And I'm sure Niall will accept you too."

He sighed as he slowly shook his head. "Yeah. Sure."

He stepped away from the sink and sat down on the dirty floor with his back pressed up against the wall. I slid down beside slowly. I stayed silent as I let him lean his head against my shoulder and cry softly.

I heard a quiet knock at the door, making me jump a little.

"Hazel? Drew?" I heard Harry's voice call out, making me sigh.

"Go away, f*ckboy." Drew groaned, making my eyes roll.

"Harry we're kinda having a moment right now."

"You're kissing?!" He asked and began slamming his fists against the door.

"No you dumb piece of trash, I'm f*cking gay."

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