Author's Note

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I started this book what feels like forever ago! I can't believe it's already over, but I knew it was gonna be a short story. (Unlike the length of TBF1917).

I was inspired to write this book last summer. I got the idea from watching Slasher and The Dead of Summer. (Which are both fooking fabulous TV shows).

Anyways, I just wanted to thank you all for reading my books. I know they're not the best, and that there's so many other great books on this app.

It blows my mind how many people even glance at my books, let alone actually read and enjoy them.

You guys are the reason why I am where I am today. Before I began writing, I was a big pile of blah. I didn't know what the heck I was gonna do with my sorry butt.

Now, I know what I wanna be and what I wanna do. I know it's a long shot. I know many people don't succeed. But I want to be a writer with every bit of passion I could ever muster.

Again, I know I'm not too good. But this is my dream, and it's huge. Writing has become one of the best things in my life. It gives me happiness which is sometimes hard for me to feel.

Once again, thank y'all. I owe you so much. Unfortunately, all I can give you are crappy books, but I hope they're enough.

Now, enough of my sob story. Let's get on to the Q&A!

Q: Harry, how the hell did you do what?
A: Do what? Kill people? It was Edward, not me.

Q: Author, why'd you leave us hanging? And how'd you feel after finishing the book?
A: It was the eerie ending I had planned for it. I felt pretty accomplished with how it turned out overall, which was fairly decent in my opinion.

Q: Author, are you doing a sequel?
A: I highly doubt I ever will.

Q: Hazel, before you found out Harry had MPD, could you imagine a future with him?
A: Of course. I wanted to be with him so badly.

Q: Author, the person that signed on the paper was Edward Styles. Does that mean it was Harry or Edward?
A: It was physically Harry but it was really Edward in Harry's mind because of his disorder.

Q: Author, why did you decide to kill everyone off except Hazel?
A: I believe that in Hazel's mind, everyone had to die in order for her to wake up. There was no way in her mind she could've gotten off the island.

Q: Harry, if you had a normal life, what would you have wanted?
A: I would've wanted to have a wife and kids. I'd want to take them out to the park and push them on the swings. I would've wanted to cook with my wife and just live comfortably as a family.

Q: Harry, can you be Hazel's Angel that watches over her?
A: I wouldn't want an angel that has the devil inside of them to watch over her.

Q: Hazel, how do you feel?
A: Overwhelmed. Scared. Confused.

Q: Hazel, are ya alive right now?
A: Yes, I am.

A: Stop screaming! No, I didn't.

A: It's ok, I never liked my eardrums anyways. And because I'm in love with her, but you could always be my side hoe. (Not that you're a hoe, you're probs lovely).

Q: Harry, previously you said you would marry me. Be ready on June 28, 2017. It's our wedding, ok?
A: (O.O) o-ok.

Q: Hazel's grandma, did you know any of this would happen?
A: No, never would I imagine anything like this.

Q: Edward, so did you take Hazel to a plane crash after the police came or...? WTF THIS LADY IS CONFUSED!
A: You and your yelling! Bloody hell! No, she was on the plane when it crashed. I was just flying it.

Q: Harry, I'm so sorry boo, but did you kill Hazel or what?
A: No, I would never hurt her.

(Now, my most asked question)
A: Everything you have read was just 'in Hazel's head'. She rode on a plane to get to England in order to ride a boat to the island. The plane she was on crashed before she landed in England. So everything with the other characters was 'in her head'. In 'reality', everyone else (Harry, Layla, Tara, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam, Tyler, and Drew) 'died' on the plane. Hazel had been in a coma in the hospital. At the end of the epilogue, Hazel finds out that Edward was the pilot of the plane. (Which is Harry, but not really because of his MPD). On the back of the picture she drew, she had written it was NOT in your head. Then she looks up into the mirror to see good morning beautiful written in red. (Which was her first encounter with the killer at camp, when he wrote on her mirror). Now, this leaves questions such as, is Edward/Harry alive? Did Edward purposely crash the plane? Was it all fake or real? And the answers to those questions are up to you to decide.

Special thanks to everyone who has ever voted and commented on this book. I would tag everyone I can remember, but I know I'd forget a handful of people, which I wouldn't ever wanna do.

Second time we've had to say goodbye. Until next time, my friends. Go ahead and check out my new book, Once Upon A Time if ya wanna go on a new adventure with me.


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