Chapter Five: Something To Believe In

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Reach for a hand to hold.

And any wonder

We need to find

A certain something, certain.

Aqualung - Something To Believe In

The journey to Hillridge High was wrought with the sound of Flack's fingers tapping away a song Jess Angell didn't recognize upon the steering wheel. She's been listening to that sound for the past twenty minutes and it was starting to grate on her nerves.

Ever since the two of them had met up this morning and reviewed case notes he had been distracted. Angell knew he was taking in what she was saying when she spoke but she could tell that something was clearly bothering her partner. As far as she was concerned it was his business, the only reason it was becoming hers was because he was inflicting that damn rapping upon her ears.

"Are you ok? You've been a little distracted all day." Angell said out loud as she cast a glance at Flack sitting in the driver's seat, his fingers still tapping out that soundless tune.

Flack twisted his head towards her as if she had just snapped him out of something deeply important. Where ever he was, was not with her in this car, it was clear that his mind was a million miles away. To be honest that pissed Angell off just a little. Partners told each other things and whatever Flack was with holding she wanted to know. Distractions didn't mix well with guns in the field.

"Distracted? Nah, just trying to figure out this case that's all." he told her before returning his view to stare at the line of traffic straight ahead.

He was lying, Angell knew because his hands were still doing that stupid rhythm again but this time it was faster. He only did that when his mind was working a mile a minute. Whatever it was she was guessing it was personal, she hadn't heard anything on the grapevine about his life outside of work which when she thought about it was odd in itself.

Flack was well known for the girls that he casually dated, it was the talk of the Squad Room most of the time in the past, but lately Angell realized she hadn't heard him or anyone else mention a girl. Which was interesting.

"Ok, you need to stop that right now." Angell cracked, turning to face him in her seat, the seatbelt restricting her movement.

Flack's eyebrows furrowed together in irritation as he turned his attention towards his partner. She noted his hands were gripping the steering wheel rather tightly instead. He was definitely hiding something. A mystery woman maybe? A trauma?

If she was honest Flack hadn't been the same since the the incident with Grace Sullivan a few months ago. The two were close, Flack had supported her through her ex's arraignment. Angell had a lot of respect for Sullivan, for her to stand up and admit she had been a victim of domestic violence had taken a lot of guts, especially in this job.

"Don, I'm your partner. Now give it up before I beat it out of you." Angell threatened, her eyes narrowing as she watched his fingers flex before clasping the steering wheel again.

Flack stared straight ahead, through the wind shield of his car. His eyes were focused on the back of the Toyota idling in front of them.

"Drop it Jess ." Flack warned her, as traffic finally began to shift.

"If you need to talk..." she began, as he shifted the gear stick.

"Your right here." he finished for her, before taking the right turn at the lights and continuing their journey.

The kid was having into a seizure, Flack spotted that the instant he caught sight of the foam leaking from the teenager's parted lips. His entire body was convulsing, writhing and lashing out in the chair, smacking against the metal table. Flack reached out his fingers grasping Todd Fleming's arm as he slid sideways. The boy was too heavy, his skin was slick with sweat causing Flack's fingers to slip from his skin. He heard the thud of metal on flesh as Fleming's head smashed against the table before his entire body bounced upon the floor. His mouth was foaming wore now, a mixture of spittle and vomit as he spasmed and jolted from his position on the floor. Flack was already throwing open the door so violently it crashed against the wall, his voice was growing hoarse as the grim sinking feeling claimed him. He had already lost this kid.

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