Chapter Six: Hello, Goodbye

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I know you want me
I made it obvious that I want you too
So put it on me
Let's remove the space between me and you

Enrique Iglesias - Tonight

The bar was quiet tonight. Danny thought that had something to do with the fact it was a Tuesday and all the real sports bars were full of people celebrating the Rangers game. He was standing across the pool table, watching as Flack took a swig from his bottle of Bud before concentrating on the pool table. Mac had stayed for a few drinks before shooting off again. Danny had stayed to celebrate the return of his buddy's gun and shield.

It had come at a price though. He had seen Flack's growing frustration as the investigation into Todd Fleming's death had dragged, he had been there himself once upon a time. Danny knew what it felt to have the whole department turn against you so fast it left your head still spinning. He thought that was why Flack was so subdued at the moment. He had come so close to losing not only his livelihood but his heritage as well.

Flack was second generation, all he was ever destined to be was a cop. Danny knew a thing or two about the toll that took upon a man. He came from a family of cops, when his own badge had been the line the pressure he had been under nearly broke him. Flack had come through for him then and Danny thought it was his turn to return the favour.

"We never doubted you, not for a second ya know?" Danny said, as Flack leaned on his pool cue, waiting for Danny to line up his shot.

"There was a moment there, when I thought the whole department was against me." Flack admitted, shaking his head in disgust.

"Nah, we had your back." Danny reported as he jerked the cue, cursing out loud as the ball missed the hole he had been aiming at. "I know what it's like being under scrutiny, makes you wonder why you do things."

"Makes you wonder why you do the job when you have to take crap from the people your trying to protect." Flack agreed as he bent his lithe body over the pool table and stared down the length of the cue.

"It's worth it though." Danny pointed out, "Look at all the good we've done."

"Putting away murderers and scum bags, only to have more turn up on the streets. It ever ends Danno." Flack reminded him, taking the shot and cracking the formation of the group of balls that had been left in the centre of the table.

"You giving up on me Flack?" Danny responded, half full pint glass in his hand as he spoke.

"Never say die right?" Flack said instead as his eyes met Danny's across the table.

The two of them shared a smirk at the sound of those words on his tongue.

"Never." Danny agreed.

They both had the experience of those words, the strength they harboured day in and day out. They had been uttered at some of the toughest times the two men had been through and they still lived through them like a mantra. No matter what had happened those words could always pick you up when you were down on the ground.

"She should be here you know." Danny said, casting a glance at the top end of the pool table.

"Yea, I never asked her." Flack told Danny. "Figured she'd want some space."

"The two of you are good for one another. Don't see why you don't just let it happen." Danny said, draining the rest of his pint glass.

Flack shrugged, lining up his next shot and leaving the silence hanging between them. He had no response to that one. They had let it happen and it had all fallen apart again in his hands.

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