Chapter Twenty Five: Cuckoo's Nest

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You don't wanna hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware that I'm tearing you asunder.
There's a thunder in our hearts, baby.
So much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?

Placebo – Running Up That Hill

North Brooklyn was far from Grace's favourite place in the world. She had hated this area of the city with a passion ever since she had worked this beat during her days in a uniform. The neighbourhood was full of hoodlums and gang bangers, the regular people that were left were forced to inhabit the apartment complexes filled with criminals. It was such a God damn shame, with a good community leader this place would have turned itself around but no one was willing to step up and take the reigns for fear of the local crime syndicates.

Terrence Davies lived in the more upmarket district of North Brooklyn. His apartment building seemed to be one of the nicer ones, and true to his word he had left the fire escape at the back of the building barely wedged open for her to squeeze through. It was dangerous for her to be in this area, she'd busted more than her fair share of the local clientèle and lot of them had a long memory. It would mean certain death for both her and Terrence if he was caught helping out the cops.

Grace buried her hands even deeper inside the worn out, grey zip up hoodie she was wearing. The hood was pulled up to cover her face and hair. There were enough junkies in this neighbourhood for her to blend in with them. She withdrew one hand as she reached apartment door and rapped twice.

It took a few minutes for Terrence to answer. When he did she was ushered swiftly into the apartment with the wave of a hand. It wasn't until he had closed and bolted the door behind her that Grace withdrew the hood from her pretty features revealing her short, choppy, dark hair.

"Officer Sullivan, long time no see. I wasn't sure it was the same person until you answered the phone." Terrence greeted, crossing his arms over his chest as he took in her appearance.

"You cleaned up real good Terence yourself." Grace said returning the gesture.

She was telling the truth. The last time she'd seen Terrence he had been snorting whatever drug was doing the rounds in his club. They had shared more than a few busts between them. Her eyes strayed around the room taking in the carefully selected furnishings of this bachelor pad. Her gaze landed on a familiar pistol resting on the coffee table, alongside it the phone that Terrence had called her from. It appeared Don was still here at least.

"I hear you have something that belongs to me." Grace uttered, getting straight to the point.

The sound of violent retching proceeded her words coming from the direction of the bathroom. Grace grimaced at Terrence before casting a glance towards the half open door.

"He's all yours." Terrence smirked.

Grace pushed the bathroom door open with the palm of her hand as Don flushed the toilet. She leaned on the frame she watching as Don rose to his feet unsteadily, rubbing both of his hands over his features before turning around to face her. They regarded each other like strangers when his startling blue eyes came to rest upon her.

Grace was cataloguing the differences since their last meeting. She could smell the booze on him from here. His dark hair was unkempt and his face unshaven. There was blood leaking from a fresh gash on his forehead, dripping all the way down his shabby features. His eyes fixated on her as if he was seeing at her for the first time.

"Grace." he said her name with a sneer.

"So you're getting into fights now?" she asked him as his hand came to clasp the right side of his body, wincing at his own sudden movement.

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