Chapter Sixteen: Yahrzeit

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Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know
You pray it all away but it continues to grow

I want to hold you close
Soft breath, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart

She Want Revenge – Tear You Apart

The garage that Michael Elgars owned was small and cluttered. He specialised in wheels, treating alloys with a solution that protected the metal from damage during everyday use. There was a line of shiny new exhausts hanging from a rack across from them. The whole place had a lived in feel to it and Grace had no doubt that if they checked the upstairs rooms they would find a makeshift bed, maybe a camping stove or living area.

Grace had heard of Elgars, from the case they had worked involving the explosion in which she and Adam had been caught up in. The stories she'd heard from Don and others around the crime lab didn't do him justice.

The Neo-Nazi skinhead, was tall as he was wide, his grey shoddy overalls covered a frame she would describe as bulging. His naked scalp was tattooed with swastikas and proclamations of white pride. Just the sight of him nauseated her on a level that she didn't know she had. Grace thought of herself as a seasoned cop but looking at this offensive son of a bitch, she realized that there wasn't a day gone by that the job didn't find something to surprise her.

Danny was barely a step behind her, his eyes on the other man sizing him up. When the two of them were on a case together Danny's protective streak always came into play. It was never overbearing or too intense, in fact it was settling to know that the other man had her back if she needed it. Men didn't review her as much of a threat until they saw Danny snarling behind her.

Which worked just fine for their partnership, she was the one that played good cop. The charming, sympathetic listener, the meek girlish Detective who wouldn't say boo to a goose. Perps trusted her more when she played that act, they were more willing to let something slip, that said even when she was faking the ability to identifying with some of the City's most degrading scumbags made her skin still wanted to crawl right off her bones and disinfect itself.

"Micheal Elgars?" she addressed the stark tall Neo Nazi, both hands on her hips, displaying her gun as she stood before him.

It was a show of dominance, one that Elgars didn't seem to take too kindly. The other man was used to being the Alpha Dog in his circle. He'd built himself up fighting for his belief even though they were twisted and vile. He stared down at her, his pig like dark eyes boring straight into her as she held her ground. If she backed down right now she would be giving him the power and Grace didn't let people bully her, not any more.

His animistic gaze flitted from her face, his mouth twisting into a sneer as he took in the rest of body leaving Grace to wish she had dressed more conservative today. His glance strayed to Danny who was watching this grotesque show with disgust.

"How can I help you?" he said mockingly, his eyes glinting as he bared his teeth at Danny.

"We want to talk to you about Xander Green." Grace said, her gaze still intent on Elgars, her right hand straying near her gun.

"I wasn't talking to you." he retorted, flicking a hand close to her face to dismiss her completely.

"Don't be stupid, Elgers you know who we are." Danny growled, holding up his badge to clarify their identity.

His eyes swept to Grace who was still standing in front of him, her eyebrows raised looking unamused at his attempt to discipline her. Danny was at her flank, she could feel the atmosphered in the air changing, the potential for violence was here. She feared Danny lashing out on her behalf, he would defend her in a heartbeat if he thought Elgars would make a move. He was hot tempered and quick to act. Even though she was the logical one she was affronted by his actions and he knew he could see that in the way her fingers flexed in and out of a tight fist. The way her jaw clenched as she willed herself not to respond to this Neanderthal.

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