Chapter Thirty Five: All In

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There's no taking back what we've got

Too strong, we've had each other's back for too long

There's no breaking up this time

And you know it's okay, I came to my senses

Letting go of my defenses

There's no way I'm giving up this time

And I'm all in, nothing left to hide

Lifehouse – All In

The door had barely come to shut behind them when their conversation was drowned out by a sudden abrupt cheer that made Grace's ears practically ring. Tiny white and pink confetti hearts rained down on them as the two of them stood there frozen in shock by the scene before them.

The entire team was here along with Angell and several members from Don's squad room who had managed to get away. Grace was swept away by a wave of emotion as their group of friends swarmed around them, placing kisses upon her cheek as they gave her their congratulations. She had never seen so many people smiling before. It was a surprise to see so many people happy for them. Their relationship meant the world to the both of them, she didn't realize that it had become a talisman for other people.

As Sheldon was telling her when he clasped both of her hands in his, their union gave other people hope. Getting married today showed them what could happen if they took a chance, that it was possible to find something solid to hold onto in this crazy mixed up world. His words meant a lot to Grace, it showed his faith not only in her but in love as well.

Everybody here was showing their support by celebrating this marriage and Grace knew as she was pulled into yet another spirited hug, that no matter what happened these people were her family and it would stay like that until the end of time.

"You should see your faces." Adam said peering at them from behind his Iphone as he snapped another picture.

Grace wasn't sure how it happened but somewhere along the way he had become the designated wedding photographer. She hadn't thought about taking pictures when they had decided to take this leap, she was glad that Adam had taken the task upon himself. She wanted something special to remember this day by, also a wedding album may just pacify her mother enough so that the woman would start speaking to her again.

Grace knew the fall out their little wedding would cause when her mom did find out. She had envisioned something overblown and costly for the day her only daughter got hitched. She had tried telling her mother for years that she wasn't the kind of girl that wore dresses and studied ballet. Her entire life had been a battle, fighting and compromising with the woman in order to make her own choices.

In high school she attended track meets and baseball games instead of the drama and dance lessons her mother hoped for. She took after her father for her athletic headstrong streak and he was supportive and proud of her nature. Grace knew he would understand the reasoning behind her actions today, it was her mom she was worried about. The woman had a temper to be rivalled with.

"Getting everybody here was an act of God on my part no?" Danny said, grasping Grace's hand in his and guiding her through the rabble of people to the front of the bar.

"I have no idea how you managed it Messer but I am very impressed." Grace told him as he placed his calloused hands upon her shoulders lightly and angled her to face the table that the team had gathered around.

Grace burst out laughing at the sight before her. The cake in front of her was clearly a DIY job, she guessed that Danny had purchased a large Victoria sponge cake and a smaller one to place on top. On the very peak of the home made wedding cake there were two Lego Policemen with their arms raised up in the air as if in cheer.

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