Chapter Thirty Two: Compassion

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You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in

Avril Lavigne – Keep Holding On

They were watching the TV in the conference room. Mac and Flack were standing side by side surveying the news coverage on the case. Having Stella walk straight into the court room and call a halt to the trial had been a controversial move on their part, especially when she was forced to arrest the prosecutor before the entire congregation of people.

The event was all over the channels, reporters were talking about the repercussions this could have on all of Hansen's cases. As usual the NYPD were in the direct firing line despite the fact it wasn't they're cock up. To make matters worse Reyes had just been bailed out and was back on the streets again free to murder someone else's kid.

Don rubbed the back if his neck anxiously as he watched the news. He wasn't the only one this was hitting hard. Stella and Mac were kicking themselves for not being able to see something like this coming. Craig Hansen had been their friend for years. Stella had risen up the ranks with him over the past fifteen years, yet she hadn't hesitated when it came to arresting him. The evidence was right before her eyes and she couldn't deny it. Like himself Stella was a person who worked with facts.

"So much for the sufficiency hearing the judge placed on him." Mac remarked dryly, his expression one of disgust as he hit the mute button on the remote.

"Someone in Antonio's crew must have access to a lot of legit funds." Don returned thoughtfully, his arms folded over his chest.

"Ensure we have eyes and ears on Antonio Reyes. I wanna hear about every move he makes." Mac ordered, glancing at Don as the other man nodded his agreement.

There wasn't a chance in hell Don was letting Reyes wonder around the streets after what had gone down in the court room today. With their entire case resting on the testimony of an eye witness Don wasn't taking the risk that the malicious son of a bitch would destroy the keystone that holding it all together.

"I hear there's an congratulations in order." Mac said into the morbid silence that stretched between the two of them.

"She told you?" Don questioned, tilting his head towards the older man in stunned by the revelation.

Mac's hands came to rest upon his hips before answering.

"Not in so many words, I saw the ring on her finger."

"Yea she's keeping it quiet at the moment."

Mac could hear the exasperation in the younger man's voice at the situation and he thought he understood what was causing it.

Don was as direct as they come in regards to his feelings for Grace. Mac had felt the chemistry crackling in the air between the two whenever they were together over the years and finally as he watched their relationship develop he saw something more in their eyes, something he recognized from a lifetime ago before his wife Claire had died.

He remembered Don's vow almost two years ago as they stood in Grace's wrecked apartment, he had realized then that were was something more between the two of them than just friendship.

When Mac and Stella had received that call they had been on the way to Grace's apartment already. Will Hamlin had called into work sick today and if Mac knew anything it was that the perverse son of a bitch was waiting for Grace at home ready to commit the worst act of violence imaginable upon her body. He was revolted by what that bastard had done to one of his people. Grace was a member of his family and to see her so broken and despondent wounded him.

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