Chapter 6

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(Emily's p.o.v)

I woke up with surprisingly not a hung over. Well, even thought I didn't get drunk. Just buzzed.

I realized I was in a room. Kells room probably. I looked to my left to see no one. Oh, so I slepted on his bed by my self. I thought. Very mature of you Kells.

I looked around the room to see a few posters of a singer and some bands. Baskets, and clothes around his room. It wasn't dirty nor clean. So I wasn't really surprised at that.

I sat up and looked down to see Kells sleeping on the floor. Well now I feel bad. I could of slepted on the floor.

I didn't want to get up just yet so I laid back down and drowned myself of the thoughts that happened last night.

I feel like I just told him to much of my life. My past. And how I felt in my present. And I barely know him. Like know him know him. Not oh I know him because he's a rapper and I love his music. Well I do know him more then I before we met.

He'll probably feel the same way when he gets up. Telling him self he shouldn't of said so much. That'll he will regret it. I think I know, know more then he knows himself. Like the way he thinks.

I decided to wake up Kells. Maybe we can do something today that I wanna do before he takes me home.

I got up from the bed and started shaking Kells shoulder lightly. "Kells, Kells, wake up.......Kells, come on wake up. Richard Colsons Baker get the Fuck up"! I yelled a little bit louder.

He started groaning a little bit and opening his eyes. "First off don't not call me by my government name. Everyone Knows that. It's either Kells or MGK." "Well someone got up from the wrong side of the floor."

After I said that I couldn't help but crack a laugh. "Yeah haha so Fucking funny. Why the Fuck did you wake me up anyways." "I wanna do something today. And I get to pick. Now get your white ass up and get ready. We're going to the races." I said with a big smile.

He gets up and gives me a questioning face. "Wait wait wait, hold up... You, like races.?" "Well yeah, my mom has been taking me for the past month and I really like it." "Damn girl, I'm starting to like you more".

"Well I hope that's good. So get up and let's go. After that you're dropping me off."

He got up so fast he almost tripped and landed on his ass. "No no no no, I mean come on. Stay a week still I leave to go down south. Please". He sounded so desperate. Why?

"I can't Kells. I just can't. Maybe when you come back up we can hang out again. Sound good?" I wanted to. So bad. But it's just not right. I don't wanna fall for him. I won't get hurt. Not like my past relationship.

He looked upset for a second but covered it up with a smile. A fake smile I might say. "Sure, yeah sure. Sounds great." He walked out the door. Probably to shower and get ready. He has another bathroom so I might as well do the same.

After a few hours we got to the races. And might I say, Kells was pretty excited. And it was cute.

After about 10 minute's of fighting with Kells I got to pay to get in. He didn't like that very well since he now's how my family his with money. But he'll get over it.

"I had no problem paying Kells"

"Well I did. The guy pays"

"Girls can too"

"Well not in this friendship"

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say".

It was our 15 minute break to go to the bathroom, grab snacks and whatever else people had to do. I was on my way back to the bleachers to see two girls flirting with Kells. And he was enjoying it. I felt my face drop.

Wait, why am I getting upset. We're just friends. Nothing more.

I decided to put on a best smile as I can and walked up to Kells and the two girls.

When I walked up. Both the girls smiled dropped and they gave me dirty looks. "Call us" the girls said and walked away.

"Looks like someone is getting laid tonight" I told Kells. "Maybe" he said. We said nothing after tat and got back to watching the races.

After a couple hours it was over and we were on our way to Kells dropping me off home. "You sure you don't wanna stay a week." Kells asked for the 4 time already today.

"Yes I'm sure Kells".

"Alright, alright."

The rest of the way home was quiet.

We stopped in front of my house. I turned to Kells and was about today bye but he interrupted. "Wait, I wanna a hug". "U-Uh o-okay". We both got out and he came to the side I was on and gave me a hug.

"You smell good" he said. "Did you really have to smell me?" "yes". After about a minute we let go.

"Text me alright" Kells said. "Sure thing Kells". I told him. "Please, call me Colson". "Ar-are you sure". "Yes" he said.

He got into the car a drove off. Part of me was thinking I should of gone with. To late now. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I haven't hung out with him for two days and I think I'm already falling for him. I can't, and I won't....


Thanks for the reads you guys. I appreciate it and hope the book is good so far. Thanks for keeping me going. :)

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