Chapter 12

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(Emily's p.o.v)

It's been over a month since we been on the short little tour Colson had going on tomorrow is my birthday. Can't believe I'm going to be nineteen.

I don't know if me and Colson or going to do a thing. I mean, I'm just turning one year older. No biggie.

One more week till we leave and go back home. Well me, Indiana. Colson witch is Ohio. I don't know what's going happen then.

Oh and the date we had a couple weeks ago. Just to let you guys know. It was a great night. We had dinner, not to fancy. We went bowling witch I sucked. And took a walk. The rest of the night we just talked and went to bed. It was such a great night.

And no we're not dating. He hasn't popped the question out. I think we're both just not ready. Or he isn't.

Colson left a little bit ago to a meeting with his manager and his friends. It's just me this hotel room.

I haven't talked to Lizzy in a while. Since the day I first met Colson. It doesn't matter she's always so busy with everything and her boyfriend.

She hasn't texted me and I haven't texted her. It's like our friendship faded away. It makes me upset thinking about it. But right now I have someone........Colson.

He has been their me. And I have been their with him. I'm falling for him everyday. And I'm just so scared I'm going to get hurt.

Woah, didn't mean to change the subject quick.

I shook the thoughts away and decided to text Colson.

Me: Aye

Colson: sup babe. What do you want?

Me: ah I didn't want anything I just wanted to text you.

Colson: busy

Me: why couldn't I come?

Colson: Uh you had to stay. My bad girl.

Me: girl? Okay boy!

Colson: chill

Me: okay we were fine before you left. What the Fuck crawled up your ass and died?

Colson: I just don't even wanna talk right now. Sorry. I'm just not okay right now.

Me: you can talk to me. I'm here for you.

Colson: Emily....please stop

Me: no! I did nothing and your being a dick.

Colson: it's just a Fucking interview I saw on on TV. My manager Ash should me after our meeting. And I'm just so pissed. You like me right baby girl?

Me: doesn't give you a reason to be like that towards me when I did nothing to you. And of course I do. No doubt about it. What interview did you see?

Colson: I'm sorry baby girl. I don't mean to. I don't want you to leave me for a fag like him.

Me: stop this nonsense Colson Baker! I'm not leaving you. And who's the fag?

Colson: Fucking Bieber boy. I guess he's been posting pictures of you on twitter asking about you. Wanting to meet you and how to find you. I guess you look very beautiful and you caught his eye on pictures that were with me. Telling the interview guy that you shouldn't be with a guy like me. I'm to old for you and to wild for you. That all I'm gonna do is hurt you. Like what kind of bullying is that? God I'm so pissed. He has no room to talk. Let him see him and. I swear I will Fuck his face up.

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